Cette brochure explique ce à quoi vous attendre pendant que vous patientez pour votre greffe de foie. Les sujets abordés comprennent l'évaluation de votre transplantation, le soutien de l'équipe, la planification des coûts, les tests courants, les résultats de l'évaluation, la période d'attente et la recherche. On y trouve de l'information sur la préparation au jour du don d'un foie, sur l'appel et sur ce à quoi vous attendre avant, pendant et après l'opération. ; This pamphlet is a French tran…
This pamphlet gives tips for healthy eating and explains how to make healthy food choices. Information about reading food labels, making your recipes healthy, safe food handling, and eating out is included. The French translation of this pamphlet 1106, "Manger sainement après une transplantation" is also available.
Cette ressource fournit des conseils en matière de saine alimentation et explique comment choisir des aliments santé. Elle contient de l'information sur la lecture des étiquettes sur les produits alimentaires, la préparation de recettes santé, la manipulation sécuritaire des aliments et les choix santé au restaurant. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0107, “Healthy eating after a transplant". This pamphlet gives tips for healthy eating and explains how to make healthy food …
You may choose to write to your loved one’s transplant recipient. If you would like to write to a transplant recipient, this pamphlet provides some information to guide you, including whether you will hear from the transplant recipient. Contact information for the Family Support Liaison is provided.
Choosing to write to your donor's family is a personal decision. This pamphlet outlines some information to guide you if you decide you would like to write to your donor's family. Mailing instructions are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 1790, "Écrire à la famille de votre donneur ou donneuse", is also available.
This pamphlet describes tissue transplants, including screening, risks, and what to expect after surgery. It also explains what to do if you have an urgent problem related to your surgery. The French translation of this pamphlet 2135, "Transplantation de tissus" is also available.
The liver is an organ in your body that helps to break down and digest the food you eat, cleans your blood, and fights infection. Hepatitis B is a virus that attacks the liver. “Hepatitis” means swelling of the liver. Hepatitis B can cause serious liver problems, including liver damage, liver failure, and liver cancer. People with kidney disease who may need dialysis or a kidney transplant in the future, have a higher chance of getting Hepatitis B. The best way to prevent Hepatitis B is to get …
This pamphlet outlines how to help you cope with grief after a suicide. Other topics include: your feelings, physical symptoms, and ways to take care of yourself while you are grieving.
A highly sensitized patient has a high amount of antibodies. This makes them more likely to reject an organ after transplant. This pamphlet explains how to know if you are highly sensitized, and how the Highly Sensitized Patient Program works.
There are never enough kidneys donated to do transplants for all the people who need them. Some people wait years for the right kidney to be donated. If you are interested in becoming a living kidney donor, this pamphlet will answer some common questions. Topics include: the benefits of a kidney transplant from a living donor, who can donate, deciding to donate, and how to get started if you want to donate a kidney. Information about the donation process, including evaluation, surgery, recovery…
Écrire à la famille de votre donneur ou donneuse est une décision personnelle. Ce dépliant fournit certains renseignements qui vous guideront si vous décidez d’aller de l’avant dans cette démarche. On y explique de plus comment envoyer votre lettre par la poste.] ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Writing to Your Donor's Family" pamphlet 1212. Choosing to write to your donor's family is a personal decision. This pamphlet outlines some information to guide you if you decide you would li…
This pamphlet gives information on how to heal and stay healthy after your kidney donation surgery. Topics include incision (cut) care, activity, feelings after surgery, medications, Post Donation Program, and symptoms that require a trip to the Emergency Department.