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Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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Gallstones start as small pieces and can get bigger over time. They can cause problems if they block the tubes that bile needs to travel through. This pamphlet explains what causes gallstones, symptoms of gallstones, what to do if you have a gallbladder attack, and how gallstones are diagnosed and treated. Diet tips, information about surgery and ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography), and the possible risks of gallstones are also provided. A list of symptoms that require immedia…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (8 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Gallstones - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
Gallstones start as small pieces and can get bigger over time. They can cause problems if they block the tubes that bile needs to travel through. This pamphlet explains what causes gallstones, symptoms of gallstones, what to do if you have a gallbladder attack, and how gallstones are diagnosed and treated. Diet tips, information about surgery and ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography), and the possible risks of gallstones are also provided. A list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention are listed. The French version of this pamphlet 2087, "Calculs biliaires", is also available.
Prepared by: Emergency Services
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Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinic
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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The Geriatric Ambulatory Care/Memory Disability Clinic sees mostly seniors (65 and over) with health problems related to frailty or dementia. Topics include: location, what to bring, what to expect, and contact info if you have questions.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinic
Alternate Title
Memory Disability Clinic
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([6] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Memory Disorders
Subjects (LCSH)
Memory disorders in old age
The Geriatric Ambulatory Care/Memory Disability Clinic sees mostly seniors (65 and over) with health problems related to frailty or dementia. Topics include: location, what to bring, what to expect, and contact info if you have questions.
Prepared by: Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinic
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Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pulmonary resection
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Thoracic Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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This guide is for patients that are being admitted to the Victoria General Hospital for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pulmonary resection for lung cancer treatment. Your surgeon will make several small surgical cuts over your chest wall. A videoscope (a tube with a tiny camera on the end) and other small tools will be passed through these cuts.Then, your surgeon may remove part or all of your lung, drain fluid or blood that has built up, or do other procedures. One or more tubes w…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Thoracic Clinic
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ( 22 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted
Lung - surgery
Subjects (LCSH)
This guide is for patients that are being admitted to the Victoria General Hospital for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pulmonary resection for lung cancer treatment. Your surgeon will make several small surgical cuts over your chest wall. A videoscope (a tube with a tiny camera on the end) and other small tools will be passed through these cuts.Then, your surgeon may remove part or all of your lung, drain fluid or blood that has built up, or do other procedures. One or more tubes will be placed into your chest to drain fluids that build up. The health care team has put together this Clinical Pathway so you will know what will happen to you before surgery and on a day-to-day basis after surgery. A Clinical Pathway is a general guideline about your care.
Prepared by: Thoracic Clinic Health Care Staff, QEII
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Le timbre contraceptif
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Le timbre contraceptif se place sur la peau une fois par semaine. Il contient deux hormones, de l’œstrogène et de la progestérone, qui sont absorbées par la peau. Il sert à prévenir la grossesse. Le livret explique comment le timbre fonctionne, son efficacité, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, les effets secondaires possibles (de même que les effets secondaires graves qu’il faut connaître), il indique les personnes qui ne devraient pas s’en servir, et il explique enfin la manière de s’en serv…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Alternate Title
Birth control patch
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (14 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Transdermal Patch
Ovulation Inhibition
Contraception - methods
Subjects (LCSH)
Transdermal medication
Le timbre contraceptif se place sur la peau une fois par semaine. Il contient deux hormones, de l’œstrogène et de la progestérone, qui sont absorbées par la peau. Il sert à prévenir la grossesse. Le livret explique comment le timbre fonctionne, son efficacité, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, les effets secondaires possibles (de même que les effets secondaires graves qu’il faut connaître), il indique les personnes qui ne devraient pas s’en servir, et il explique enfin la manière de s’en servir et où l’appliquer sur le corps. La lectrice apprend quoi faire si elle oublie de commencer à utiliser le timbre, si elle oublie de le changer ou si le timbre se décolle (partiellement ou complètement). La publication aborde également ce qui pourrait en réduire l’efficacité. Le timbre contraceptif n’est pas prescrit aux fumeuses de 35 ans et plus compte tenu des risques. Le timbre ne protège pas contre les infections transmissibles sexuellement.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0255, "Birth Control Patch". The birth control patch is a patch that you place on your skin once a week. It has 2 hormones, estrogen and progesterone, which are absorbed (taken in) through the skin. It is used to prevent pregnancy. This pamphlet explains how the patch works, how well it works, pros and cons, possible side effects (as well as serious ones to be aware of), who should not use it, how to use it, and where to put it on your body. Instructions for what to do if you forget to start or change a patch, or if it falls off (partly or completely) is given. A list of what can make it less effective is provided. The patch is not prescribed to women over 35 who smoke due to the risks involved. The patch will not protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
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La pilule contraceptive
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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La pilule contraceptive empêche la grossesse en arrêtant le cycle d’ovulation, en provoquant l’épaississement des sécrétions (mucus) du col de l’utérus et en modifiant la paroi intérieure de l’utérus. Le livret explique le fonctionnement de la pilule, le moment où elle commence son travail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, la manière de la prendre et ce qui peut modifier son efficacité; on explique quoi faire si on oublie de prendre la pilule, les effets secondaires possibles, de même que le…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Alternate Title
Birth control pills
The pill
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (10 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Ovulation Inhibition
Contraception - methods
Subjects (LCSH)
Oral contraceptives
La pilule contraceptive empêche la grossesse en arrêtant le cycle d’ovulation, en provoquant l’épaississement des sécrétions (mucus) du col de l’utérus et en modifiant la paroi intérieure de l’utérus. Le livret explique le fonctionnement de la pilule, le moment où elle commence son travail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, la manière de la prendre et ce qui peut modifier son efficacité; on explique quoi faire si on oublie de prendre la pilule, les effets secondaires possibles, de même que les effets secondaires graves qu’il faut connaître. La pilule contraceptive n’est pas prescrite aux fumeuses de 35 ans et plus compte tenu des risques. La pilule ne vous protège pas contre les infections transmissibles sexuellement.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0171, "Birth Control Pills". Birth control pills work to prevent pregnancy by stopping you from ovulating, thickening the mucus made by your cervix, and changing the lining of your uterus. This pamphlet explains how well the pill works, when it starts working, pros and cons, how to take it, what can change how well it works, instructions for missed pills, and possible side effects (as well as serious ones to be aware of). The pill is not prescribed to women over 35 who smoke due to the risks involved. The pill will not protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
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Calculs biliaires
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Au début, les calculs biliaires sont de petites particules (pierres), mais ils grossissent avec le temps. Ils peuvent causer des problèmes s’ils bloquent les voies dans lesquelles la bile se déplace. Cette brochure explique les causes et les symptômes des calculs biliaires, quoi faire si vous avez une crise de la vésicule biliaire et la façon dont les calculs biliaires sont diagnostiqués et traités. On y fournit aussi des conseils sur l’alimentation et de l’information sur l’opération, la CPRE …
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services
Alternate Title
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (9 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Gallstones - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
Au début, les calculs biliaires sont de petites particules (pierres), mais ils grossissent avec le temps. Ils peuvent causer des problèmes s’ils bloquent les voies dans lesquelles la bile se déplace. Cette brochure explique les causes et les symptômes des calculs biliaires, quoi faire si vous avez une crise de la vésicule biliaire et la façon dont les calculs biliaires sont diagnostiqués et traités. On y fournit aussi des conseils sur l’alimentation et de l’information sur l’opération, la CPRE (cholangiopancréatographie rétrograde endoscopique) et les risques possibles des calculs biliaires. Vous y trouverez aussi une liste des symptômes qui exigent des soins médicaux immédiats.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1543, “Gallstones”. Gallstones start as small pieces and can get bigger over time. They can cause problems if they block the tubes that bile needs to travel through. This pamphlet explains what causes gallstones, symptoms of gallstones, what to do if you have a gallbladder attack, and how gallstones are diagnosed and treated. Diet tips, information about surgery and ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography), and the possible risks of gallstones are also provided. A list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention are listed.
Prepared by: Emergency Services
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Traitement de la lombalgie (mal au bas du dos)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. The BACK Program (Dalhousie University), Nova Scotia Health Authority. Department of Emergency Medicine, Nova Scotia Health Authority. Physiotherapy. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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Vous n'êtes pas seul. Les douleurs au dos sont très fréquentes et diminuent généralement avec le temps, sans médicaments d'ordonnance ou imagerie diagnostique (comme une radiographie, une IRM ou une TDM). Ce guide comprend quelques conseils pour vous aider à traiter votre mal de dos à la maison. On y présente des exercices à faire lorsque vous avez mal, ainsi que des images pour vous guider. D'autres conseils généraux et possibilités de traitement sont fournis. Les symptômes sont indiqués pour …
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. The BACK Program (Dalhousie University)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Department of Emergency Medicine
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Physiotherapy
Alternate Title
Managing low back pain
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([4] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Low Back Pain - prevention and control
Subjects (LCSH)
Vous n'êtes pas seul. Les douleurs au dos sont très fréquentes et diminuent généralement avec le temps, sans médicaments d'ordonnance ou imagerie diagnostique (comme une radiographie, une IRM ou une TDM). Ce guide comprend quelques conseils pour vous aider à traiter votre mal de dos à la maison. On y présente des exercices à faire lorsque vous avez mal, ainsi que des images pour vous guider. D'autres conseils généraux et possibilités de traitement sont fournis. Les symptômes sont indiqués pour savoir quand consulter votre fournisseur de soins de santé familial et quand vous rendre directement au service des urgences.
This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1967, "Managing Low Back Pain". You are not alone. Back pain is very common and usually gets better over time without any prescription or diagnostic imaging (such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan). This guide includes some tips to help you manage your back pain at home. Exercises to do when you are having pain are listed (along with pictures to help guide you). Other general tips and treatment options are given. Symptoms are given for when to see your family health care provider versus when to go directly to the Emergency Department.
Prepared by: The BACK Program (Dalhousie University), Physiotherapy (NSHA) and Department of Emergency Medicine (NSHA)
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Strabismus repair
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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Strabismus is a disorder when both eyes do not line up in the same direction. This means that they don’t look at the same object at the same time. This pamphlet explains what to expect after surgery (adjustable suture, dressing, medication, double vision). It also goes over how to apply eye ointment and followup care. The French version of this pamphlet 1715, "Correction du strabisme", is also available.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Strabismus - surgery
Subjects (LCSH)
Strabismus is a disorder when both eyes do not line up in the same direction. This means that they don’t look at the same object at the same time. This pamphlet explains what to expect after surgery (adjustable suture, dressing, medication, double vision). It also goes over how to apply eye ointment and followup care. The French version of this pamphlet 1715, "Correction du strabisme", is also available.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Preventing blood clots while in the hospital
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Performance Excellence. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
Pamphlet Number
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This pamphlet will explain what blood clots are and why they happen. It also explains what your health care team will do to help prevent a blood clot from happening to you, as well as how you can tell if you might have a blood clot. Finally, it will go over what you can do to help prevent yourself from getting a blood clot. The French version of this pamphlet 1545, "Prévenir la formation de caillots de sang lors d’une hospitalisation", is also available.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Performance Excellence
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Venous Thrombosis - prevention & control
Pulmonary Embolism - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
This pamphlet will explain what blood clots are and why they happen. It also explains what your health care team will do to help prevent a blood clot from happening to you, as well as how you can tell if you might have a blood clot. Finally, it will go over what you can do to help prevent yourself from getting a blood clot. The French version of this pamphlet 1545, "Prévenir la formation de caillots de sang lors d’une hospitalisation", is also available.
Prepared by: Performance Excellence
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Prévenir la formation de caillots de sang lors d’une hospitalisation
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Performance Excellence. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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La présente publication explique ce qu’est un caillot de sang et ce qui en provoque la formation, ce que votre équipe de soins de santé fera pour vous protéger contre la formation d’un caillot de sang, les symptômes de la présence potentielle d’un caillot de sang et ce que vous pouvez faire pour prévenir la formation d’un caillot de sang. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1542, "Preventing Blood Clots While in the Hospital". This pamphlet will explain what blood clots are a…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Performance Excellence
Alternate Title
Preventing blood clots while in the hospital
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Venous Thrombosis - prevention & control
Pulmonary Embolism - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
La présente publication explique ce qu’est un caillot de sang et ce qui en provoque la formation, ce que votre équipe de soins de santé fera pour vous protéger contre la formation d’un caillot de sang, les symptômes de la présence potentielle d’un caillot de sang et ce que vous pouvez faire pour prévenir la formation d’un caillot de sang.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1542, "Preventing Blood Clots While in the Hospital". This pamphlet will explain what blood clots are and why they happen. It also explains what your health care team will do to help prevent a blood clot from happening to you, as well as how you can tell if you might have a blood clot. Finally, it will go over what you can do to help prevent yourself from getting a blood clot.
Prepared by: Performance Excellence
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Having a FibroScan®
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Division of Digestive Care and Endoscopy. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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A FibroScan® is a scan of your liver to measure how stiff your liver is. It is a painless test which involves a probe being passed over the top right area of your abdomen (tummy). It is similar to an ultrasound scan. Info is included on what to expect before, during, and after your fibroscan. The French version of this pamphlet 2199, "Passer un FibroScan®", is also available.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Division of Digestive Care and Endoscopy
Alternate Title
Having a fibroscan
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diagnostic Imaging
Subjects (LCSH)
Diagnostic imaging
A FibroScan® is a scan of your liver to measure how stiff your liver is. It is a painless test which involves a probe being passed over the top right area of your abdomen (tummy). It is similar to an ultrasound scan. Info is included on what to expect before, during, and after your fibroscan. The French version of this pamphlet 2199, "Passer un FibroScan®", is also available.
Prepared by: Kevork Peltekian, Halifax, NS
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Correction du strabisme
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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Le strabisme est un problème qui se présente quand les deux yeux ne s’alignent pas dans la même direction. Cela signifie qu’ils ne regardent pas le même objet en même temps. La présente publication explique à quoi s’attendre après l’opération (suture ajustable, pansement, médicaments, vision double). Il traite aussi de la façon d’appliquer l’onguent pour les yeux et des soins de suivi. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0025, "Strabismus Repair". Strabismus is a disorder whe…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre
Alternate Title
Strabismus repair
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Strabismus - surgery
Subjects (LCSH)
Le strabisme est un problème qui se présente quand les deux yeux ne s’alignent pas dans la même direction. Cela signifie qu’ils ne regardent pas le même objet en même temps. La présente publication explique à quoi s’attendre après l’opération (suture ajustable, pansement, médicaments, vision double). Il traite aussi de la façon d’appliquer l’onguent pour les yeux et des soins de suivi.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0025, "Strabismus Repair". Strabismus is a disorder when both eyes do not line up in the same direction. This means that they don’t look at the same object at the same time. This pamphlet explains what to expect after surgery (adjustable suture, dressing, medication, double vision). It also goes over how to apply eye ointment and followup care.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Testing for esophageal varices (portal hypertension)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. Department of Hepatology, QEII site. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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Cirrhosis is a type of liver disease. Over time, it scars the liver. Varices are blood vessels that have expanded (gotten bigger). Varices usually happen in the esophagus and stomach. The esophagus is the swallowing tube that connects your mouth and stomach. Esophageal varices are a common problem in advanced cirrhosis.This pamphlet explains how varices are diagnosed, how to get ready for the test, what will happen during and after the test, how the test is done, and possible complications of t…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. Department of Hepatology, QEII site
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (9 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Liver Cirrhosis
Esophageal and Gastric Varices
Subjects (LCSH)
Esophageal varices
Gastrointestinal System
Cirrhosis is a type of liver disease. Over time, it scars the liver. Varices are blood vessels that have expanded (gotten bigger). Varices usually happen in the esophagus and stomach. The esophagus is the swallowing tube that connects your mouth and stomach. Esophageal varices are a common problem in advanced cirrhosis.This pamphlet explains how varices are diagnosed, how to get ready for the test, what will happen during and after the test, how the test is done, and possible complications of the test. A list of symptoms that should be reported to 811 is provided.
Department of Hepatology, QEII
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Shoulder strengthening exercises with weights
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Physiotherapy. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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The following exercises are designed to strengthen your shoulder using resistance with weights. Your physiotherapist will show you which exercises to do and how to do them correctly. When doing each exercise, remember to do the movement smoothly and not hold your breath. It is normal to experience muscle soreness after doing exercises. This should get better over time. Exercises are outlined step-by-step along with images.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Physiotherapy
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (12 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Exercise Therapy
Subjects (LCSH)
Shoulder exercises
Physical therapy
Exercise therapy
The following exercises are designed to strengthen your shoulder using resistance with weights. Your physiotherapist will show you which exercises to do and how to do them correctly. When doing each exercise, remember to do the movement smoothly and not hold your breath. It is normal to experience muscle soreness after doing exercises. This should get better over time. Exercises are outlined step-by-step along with images.
Prepared by: Physiotherapy
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Passer un fibroscan
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Division of Digestive Care and Endoscopy. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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Un fibroscan est un examen qui mesure la dureté du foie. Il se fait en passant une sonde sur le côté droit du haut du ventre et ne cause aucune douleur. Il est semblable à un ultrason. Ce dépliant explique ce qui se passe avant, pendant et après un fibroscan. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Having a FibroScan®" pamphlet 1570. A FibroScan® is a scan of your liver to measure how stiff your liver is. It is a painless test which involves a probe being passed over the top right area of y…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Division of Digestive Care and Endoscopy
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diagnostic Imaging
Subjects (LCSH)
Diagnostic imaging
Un fibroscan est un examen qui mesure la dureté du foie. Il se fait en passant une sonde sur le côté droit du haut du ventre et ne cause aucune douleur. Il est semblable à un ultrason. Ce dépliant explique ce qui se passe avant, pendant et après un fibroscan.
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Having a FibroScan®" pamphlet 1570. A FibroScan® is a scan of your liver to measure how stiff your liver is. It is a painless test which involves a probe being passed over the top right area of your abdomen (tummy). It is similar to an ultrasound scan. Info is included on what to expect before, during, and after your fibroscan.
Prepared by: Kevork Peltekian, Halifax, NS
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YAG laser capsulotomy
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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A cataract is when the lens in your eye gets cloudy over time. The lens sits in a capsule (clear sac). During surgery, the cloudy lens is removed, leaving the capsule in place. A lens implant is put in front of the capsule. In up to half of patients who have had cataract surgery, the capsule also gets cloudy. When this happens, vision becomes blurred. This cloudiness can be treated with a YAG laser. The YAG laser is used to make an opening in the capsule (capsulotomy), like making a hole in a p…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Posterior Capsulotomy
Cataract Extraction
Capsule Opacification - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
A cataract is when the lens in your eye gets cloudy over time. The lens sits in a capsule (clear sac). During surgery, the cloudy lens is removed, leaving the capsule in place. A lens implant is put in front of the capsule. In up to half of patients who have had cataract surgery, the capsule also gets cloudy. When this happens, vision becomes blurred. This cloudiness can be treated with a YAG laser. The YAG laser is used to make an opening in the capsule (capsulotomy), like making a hole in a piece of plastic wrap. Vision is usually clearer 1 to 2 days after the treatment. The pamphlet describes getting ready for treatment, what happens during, and what to expect after. A list of possible complications are given. The French version of this pamphlet 1947, "Capsulotomie au laser YAG", is also available.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Macular degeneration
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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The retina is a very thin delicate tissue at the back of the eye that turns light into images. The macula is the very small central area of your retina. It gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces. There are 2 types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet. With dry AMD, changes happen slowly over months or years. There is no treatment for dry AMD. With wet (also called ‘exudative’) AMD, changes often happen quickly. It is possib…
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Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (10 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Macular Degeneration
Subjects (LCSH)
Retinal degeneration
The retina is a very thin delicate tissue at the back of the eye that turns light into images. The macula is the very small central area of your retina. It gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces. There are 2 types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet. With dry AMD, changes happen slowly over months or years. There is no treatment for dry AMD. With wet (also called ‘exudative’) AMD, changes often happen quickly. It is possible to treat wet AMD. Topics include: causes, treatment, risks, what the injection feels like, what to expect after the injection, special precautions after an injection, and things you can do to help your condition. A list of symptoms requiring attention by your eye doctor is included. The French version of this pamphlet, 1678 "La dégénérescence maculaire", is also available.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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La dégénérescence maculaire
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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La rétine est une membrane fine et délicate à l’arrière de l’œil. Elle transforme la lumière en images. La macula est la partie centrale et toute petite de la rétine. Elle vous donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour faire des choses comme lire, regarder la télé et voir les visages. Il existe deux formes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) : la forme sèche et la forme humide. Dans le cas de la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, les changements se produisent lentement, durant des mois …
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre
Alternate Title
Macular degeneration
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (10 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Macular Degeneration
Subjects (LCSH)
Retinal degeneration
La rétine est une membrane fine et délicate à l’arrière de l’œil. Elle transforme la lumière en images. La macula est la partie centrale et toute petite de la rétine. Elle vous donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour faire des choses comme lire, regarder la télé et voir les visages. Il existe deux formes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) : la forme sèche et la forme humide. Dans le cas de la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, les changements se produisent lentement, durant des mois ou des années. Il n'y a aucun traitement pour la DMLA de forme sèche. Dans le cas de la forme humide (dite aussi exsudative) de la DMLA, les changements se produisent souvent de façon rapide. Il est possible de traiter cette forme de DMLA. Sujets abordés : causes, traitement, injections, risques, sensation provoquée par les injections, suites des injections, précautions particulières à prendre après les injections et choses à faire pour aider votre situation. On y trouve aussi une liste de symptômes exigeant l’attention de votre spécialiste des yeux.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet, 0460, "Macular Degeneration". The retina is a very thin delicate tissue at the back of the eye that turns light into images. The macula is the very small central area of your retina. It gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces. There are 2 types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet. With dry AMD, changes happen slowly over months or years. There is no treatment for dry AMD. With wet (also called ‘exudative’) AMD, changes often happen quickly. It is possible to treat wet AMD. Topics include: causes, treatment, risks, what the injection feels like, what to expect after the injection, special precautions after an injection, and things you can do to help your condition. A list of symptoms requiring attention by your eye doctor is included.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Capsulotomie au laser YAG
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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On parle d’une cataracte quand le cristallin de votre œil devient trouble ou opaque avec le temps. Le cristallin se trouve dans une capsule (ou enveloppe). Pendant la chirurgie, le cristallin opaque est enlevé, mais la capsule demeure en place. Une lentille intraoculaire est placée à l’avant de la capsule. Jusqu’à la moitié des capsules des personnes qui ont subi une chirurgie pour la cataracte deviendront brumeuses elles aussi. Quand cela se produit, la vision devient trouble. Cette opacité pe…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre
Alternate Title
YAG laser capsulotomy
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Posterior Capsulotomy
Cataract Extraction
Capsule Opacification - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
On parle d’une cataracte quand le cristallin de votre œil devient trouble ou opaque avec le temps. Le cristallin se trouve dans une capsule (ou enveloppe). Pendant la chirurgie, le cristallin opaque est enlevé, mais la capsule demeure en place. Une lentille intraoculaire est placée à l’avant de la capsule. Jusqu’à la moitié des capsules des personnes qui ont subi une chirurgie pour la cataracte deviendront brumeuses elles aussi. Quand cela se produit, la vision devient trouble. Cette opacité peut être traitée au moyen d’un laser YAG. Le laser YAG est utilisé pour faire une ouverture dans la capsule (capsulotomie), comme lorsque l’on fait un trou dans une pellicule d’emballage en plastique. La vision est généralement plus claire 1 à 2 journées après le traitement. La présente brochure explique comment se préparer, ce qui se passe pendant le traitement et à quoi s’attendre après. On y présente aussi une liste des complications possibles.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0464, “YAG Laser Capsulotomy”. A cataract is when the lens in your eye gets cloudy over time. The lens sits in a capsule. During surgery, the cloudy lens is removed, leaving the capsule in place. A lens implant is put in front of the capsule. In up to half of patients who have had cataract surgery, the capsule also becomes cloudy. When this happens, vision becomes blurred. This cloudiness can be treated with a YAG laser. The YAG laser is used to make an opening in the capsule (capsulotomy), like making a hole in a piece of plastic wrap. Vision is usually clearer 1 to 2 days after the treatment. The pamphlet describes getting ready for treatment, what happens during, and what to expect after. A list of possible complications are given.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Shoulder strengthening exercises with tubing
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Physiotherapy. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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The exercises in this pamphlet are designed to strengthen your shoulder using resistance with tubing. Your physiotherapist will show you which exercises to do and how to do them correctly. When doing each exercise, remember to do the movement smoothly and do not hold your breath. It is normal to experience muscle soreness after doing exercises. This should get better over time. Exercises are outlined step-by-step along with images.
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Physiotherapy
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (12 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Exercise Therapy
Subjects (LCSH)
Shoulder exercises
Physical therapy
Exercise therapy
The exercises in this pamphlet are designed to strengthen your shoulder using resistance with tubing. Your physiotherapist will show you which exercises to do and how to do them correctly. When doing each exercise, remember to do the movement smoothly and do not hold your breath. It is normal to experience muscle soreness after doing exercises. This should get better over time. Exercises are outlined step-by-step along with images.
Prepared by: Physiotherapy
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