This pamphlet explains the steps that health care providers must take when plans have been made for a home death. The Expected Death at Home (EDAH) form summarizes the important information required to facilitate a peaceful and respectful home death. The form should be completed by a health care provider in discussion with the client/their delegate/their statutory decision-maker. What to do once the form has been completed and how to submit the form are included.
Good nutrition is important for people with kidney disease. The 4 things you need to watch for are: protein, phosphorus, sodium (salt), and potassium. This guide gives sample meal plans, lists of foods to avoid, and recipes. A food label is given to show you what to watch for when choosing foods.
This pamphlet will give you information to help you choose what pain relief options are right for you as you get ready for the birth of your baby. Every delivery is different, and not everyone will want or need the types of pain relief listed. If you have questions, talk with your doctor. If you plan to deliver vaginally, it is important to think about your plans for pain relief during labour. Even if you plan to deliver without pain relief medications, it is good to have a backup plan. Topics …
This pamphlet will give you information to help you choose what pain relief options are right for you as you get ready for the birth of your baby. Every delivery is different, and not everyone will want or need all of the options we describe. If you have any questions, please talk with your primary health care provider. If you plan to deliver vaginally, it is important to think about your plans for pain relief during labour. Even if you plan to deliver without pain relief medications, it is a g…
La Pochette verte de la Nouvelle-Écosse est un endroit central où garder des documents importants en vue de partager avec les fournisseurs de soins de santé vos plans de soins, vos objectifs et vos souhaits en matière de soins. Toute personne atteinte d’une maladie limitant l’espérance de vie devrait avoir une Pochette verte. La présente brochure indique ce que vous devriez garder dans votre Pochette verte et ce que vous devriez en faire. Vous y trouverez aussi des ressources pour obtenir plus …