You are not alone. Back pain is very common. It usually gets better over time without any prescription medication or diagnostic imaging (like an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan). This pamphlet includes some tips to help you manage your back pain at home. It gives exercises you can do when you are having pain (along with pictures to help guide you), information about treatment, what you can do to prevent back pain, and when to contact your primary health care provider, a walk-in clinic, or a mobile clini…
People with kidney disease often take many medications. These medications can help with your kidney disease and other medical conditions (like high blood pressure [hypertension] or diabetes). It is important to take your medications regularly and as told by your health care provider. This pamphlet explains what you need to know about your medications and non-prescription medications, how you can make sure your medications are OK for your level of kidney function, and what will happen if a medic…
This pamphlet explains how Occupational Therapy Services can help you to review, prescribe, and choose a wheelchair or scooter. It also explains what to expect as you have different appointments, including an assessment (review of your needs), a trial (to try out a wheelchair or scooter that is close to what is right for you), completing your wheelchair or scooter prescription, wheelchair or scooter set-up, and wheelchair skills training. Information about the cost of Occupational Therapy Servi…
Gradient compression stockings help return blood to your heart by compressing (squeezing) your leg muscles. This gently squeezes your veins and helps to push your blood in the right direction. This pamphlet explains why you need a prescription to get gradient compression stockings, when to put on your compression stocking(s) each day, how to take care of your stocking(s), and when to replace them. Other things you can do to help your condition are listed.
This tear-off pad is a teaching tool to help patients stay active. It includes guidelines for frequency, intensity, duration, plus exercise activity ideas.
Vous n'êtes pas seul. Les douleurs au dos sont très fréquentes et diminuent généralement avec le temps, sans médicaments d'ordonnance ou imagerie diagnostique (comme une radiographie, une IRM ou une TDM). Ce guide comprend quelques conseils pour vous aider à traiter votre mal de dos à la maison. On y présente des exercices à faire lorsque vous avez mal, ainsi que des images pour vous guider. D'autres conseils généraux et possibilités de traitement sont fournis. Les symptômes sont indiqués pour …