Antibodies are proteins in your blood that protect you from disease.This pamphlet explains why our immune system make antibodies, how they are tested for, and what to expect if you have them before surgery.
A birth control implant is a plastic rod. It is 4 cm long and 2 mm wide. The implant goes under your skin on the inside of your upper arm between your armpit and your elbow. This pamphlet explains how the implant is put in, how the implant works and how well it works, when the implant will start working, and what will happen when the implant is removed. Benefits and side effects of the implant, things that can change how well the implant works, and if the implant will protect you from sexually …
This pamphlet reviews how to protect your peritoneal dialysis catheter. Information includes how to care for your incision (cut) or exit site after surgery and keeping your bowels regular. Information about when to call your VON or home care nurse is also given. The French version of this pamphlet 2098, "Prendre soin de votre cathéter de dialyse péritonéale", is also available.
La présente publication explique comment Santé Nouvelle-Écosse protège votre vie privée et la confidentialité. La publication vous renseigne sur la manière dont Santé Nouvelle-Écosse utilise vos renseignements personnels sur la santé, sur les renseignements personnels sur la santé qui sont protégés ou non par la loi sur les renseignements médicaux personnels (Personal Health Information Act), et sur vos droits en vertu de la loi. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Privacy of Your Perso…
Depo-Provera est un produit hormonal injectable similaire à la progestérone naturelle produite par les ovaires tous les mois. Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment Depo-Provera travaille, quelle est son efficacité, comment se le procurer, quand il commence à agir, quels sont les avantages et les désavantages de prendre Depo-Provera, quelles sont les personnes qui ne devraient pas prendre ce produit hormonal et quelles sont les choses à ne pas oublier quand vous le pren…
Patients currently on treatment for cancer should have the flu shot with an inactive (not live) vaccine. They should not have live vaccines, like the nasal spray flu vaccine. This pamphlet explains whether the flu shot will protect you from getting the flu, when flu season is, when you should have the flu shot, and what else you can do to protect yourself. It also gives a list of flu symptoms and explains what to do if you have symptoms. Websites for more information are listed.
Hip protectors are plastic shields or foam pads used to protect the hip area. Why hip protectors are needed as well as how to use them are reviewed. A size measurement chart is included. Ask your occupational therapist or physiotherapist if hip protectors are right for you.
Cette brochure explique les principales différences entre le rhume, la grippe et la COVID-19. Des renseignements sur les symptômes et la façon dont ces infections se propagent sont fournis. On y présente aussi de l’information sur les moyens de vous protéger et de protéger les autres contre les infections respiratoires, sur ce qu’il faut faire si vos symptômes s’aggravent et sur les médicaments disponibles. La marche à suivre en cas d'admission à l'hôpital pour des symptômes respiratoires est é…
La pilule contraceptive empêche la grossesse en arrêtant le cycle d’ovulation, en provoquant l’épaississement des sécrétions (mucus) du col de l’utérus et en modifiant la paroi intérieure de l’utérus. Le livret explique le fonctionnement de la pilule, le moment où elle commence son travail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, la manière de la prendre et ce qui peut modifier son efficacité; on explique quoi faire si on oublie de prendre la pilule, les effets secondaires possibles, de même que le…
La brochure porte sur la façon de protéger votre cathéter de dialyse péritonéale. On y traite des soins de l’incision (coupure) ou du point d'émergence cutané (point de sortie) après l’opération et du maintien de la régularité intestinale. On vous indique aussi quand appeler l’infirmière de l’Ordre de Victoria du Canada (VON) ou des soins à domicile. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Care of Your Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter" pamphlet 0352. This pamphlet reviews how to protect your pe…
This pamphlet explains how Nova Scotia Health protects your privacy and confidentiality. Information on how Nova Scotia Health uses your personal health information, what personal health information the Personal Health Information Act does and does not protect, and your rights under the Act is included. The French version of this pamphlet 1758, "La confidentialité de vos renseignements personnels sur la santé à Santé Nouvelle-Écosse", is also available.
This pamphlet explains the main differences between the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19. Information on symptoms and how these infections are spread is provided. How to protect yourself and others from getting respiratory infections, instructions for what to do if your symptoms get worse, and medicines available are listed. What to expect if you are admitted to the hospital for respiratory symptoms is also outlined. Your essential care partners and visitors will be asked to follow the same s…
This pamphlet lists medications you should not take if you get very sick with diarrhea (loose, watery poop), or you are vomiting (throwing up). These medications keep your blood pressure down, and protect your kidneys and heart. They can also harm you if you do not have enough fluids in your body. Diarrhea and vomiting can make you dehydrated (not have enough fluids in your body). Information about what to do if you have not taken your medication(s) for more than 1 day (24 hours) and/or cannot …
Le timbre contraceptif se place sur la peau une fois par semaine. Il contient deux hormones, de l’œstrogène et de la progestérone, qui sont absorbées par la peau. Il sert à prévenir la grossesse. Le livret explique comment le timbre fonctionne, son efficacité, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, les effets secondaires possibles (de même que les effets secondaires graves qu’il faut connaître), il indique les personnes qui ne devraient pas s’en servir, et il explique enfin la manière de s’en serv…
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colourless fluid. It cushions the brain and spinal cord to protect them from injury. As new fluid is made, the old fluid is absorbed (taken in). A ventricular drain may be inserted (put in) to measure the pressure of CSF inside your head or to help blocked CSF flow. This pamphlet explains how the drain is inserted, what will happen when the drain is in place, the possible risks of a ventricular drain, and how the drain is taken out.
Antioxidants are nutrients found in some foods and also in supplements such as pills. Antioxidants help your body protect and repair your cells from damage to keep them working normally. The goal of radiation therapy is to damage your cancer cells. Taking antioxidants may prevent your radiation treatment from working as well as it should because it may prevent some of the damage we are trying to cause to your cancer cells. This pamphlet explains whether you should take antioxidants during radia…