The Active Cycle Breathing Technique (ACBT) will help clear secretions like sputum. Sputum is mucus mixed with saliva (spit). This pamphlet outlines steps involved in breathing control, deep breathing exercises, and huffing. A technique summary is provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2200, "Technique de respiration en cycle actif (TRCA)," is also available.
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This guide will help you choose foods with more energy and protein that are soft and easy to chew. The guide includes tips to help you eat better, tips if you have a sore mouth or throat, tips to help…
La technique de respiration en cycle actif (TRCA) aide à dégager les sécrétions (comme les expectorations, ou crachats) des voies respiratoires. Les expectorations sont du mucus mélangé à la salive. Ce dépliant décrit les étapes de la technique, soit le contrôle de la respiration, les exercices de respiration profonde et l’expiration forcée. Il présente aussi un résumé de la technique. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1672, "Active cycle breathing technique (ACBT)…