A bone scan measures how much calcium and other types of minerals are in an area of your bone. The scan may help your health care provider determine your future fracture risk and measure your response to treatment. It is important to be aware of specific conditions that may interfere with the scan (such as other tests you had done recently, whether you think you may be pregnant, etc.). This pamphlet outlines how the scan is done, how to get ready, and what to do during the test.
Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is a test that looks at the arteries that supply blood to your heart. The test is done using a computed tomography (CT) scan machine. This pamphlet explains how to get ready for the test, and what will happen during and after the test. A map of the QEII Health Sciences Centre is included.
Computed Tomography (CT) scans are images made by a computer and X-ray machine. CT scans give more detailed pictures of bones and soft tissue organs than regular X-rays. These images will help your doctor recommend the best treatment for you. Topics include: how you get ready for the scan, what happens during the scan, questions about breastfeeding after the scan, side effects, how long it will take, when to expect results, and where to send your feedback. A list of hospital contact info is pro…
This pamphlet explains the Deep Breath Hold technique, why it is used, and how it effects your CT scan and treatment.
A FibroScan® is a scan of your liver to measure how stiff your liver is. It is a painless test which involves a probe being passed over the top right area of your abdomen (tummy). It is similar to an ultrasound scan. Info is included on what to expect before, during, and after your fibroscan. The French version of this pamphlet 2199, "Passer un FibroScan®", is also available.
This pamphlet explains how to get ready for a radioactive iodine scan or treatment by following a low-iodine diet. Topics include reading nutrition labels, foods and ingredients to avoid, recipes, and resources.
You are not alone. Back pain is very common. It usually gets better over time without any prescription medication or diagnostic imaging (like an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan). This pamphlet includes some tips to help you manage your back pain at home. It gives exercises you can do when you are having pain (along with pictures to help guide you), information about treatment, what you can do to prevent back pain, and when to contact your primary health care provider, a walk-in clinic, or a mobile clini…
The Medical Surgical Day Clinic (MSDC) at Cobequid Community Health Centre sees patients who need follow-up care after a visit to the Emergency Department. This pamphlet explains what to expect during your visit and how to get ready for a CT scan or an ultrasound.
Un fibroscan est un examen qui mesure la dureté du foie. Il se fait en passant une sonde sur le côté droit du haut du ventre et ne cause aucune douleur. Il est semblable à un ultrason. Ce dépliant explique ce qui se passe avant, pendant et après un fibroscan. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Having a FibroScan®" pamphlet 1570. A FibroScan® is a scan of your liver to measure how stiff your liver is. It is a painless test which involves a probe being passed over the top right area of y…
A lung screening chest CT scan takes detailed pictures of the lungs. This pamphlet explains how to get ready for your scan, what will happen at the appointment, possible side effects, and what will happen after your appointment.
Les tomodensitogrammes sont des images prises par un ordinateur et un appareil à rayons X. Ils permettent d’obtenir des images plus détaillées des os et des organes de tissus mous que les radiographies ordinaires. Ces images aideront votre médecin à vous recommander le meilleur traitement. Les sujets abordés dans la présente publication sont les suivants : la préparation au tomodensitogramme, la procédure, l’allaitement après le tomodensitogramme, les effets secondaires, la durée de la procédur…
Vous n'êtes pas seul. Les douleurs au dos sont très fréquentes et diminuent généralement avec le temps, sans médicaments d'ordonnance ou imagerie diagnostique (comme une radiographie, une IRM ou une TDM). Ce guide comprend quelques conseils pour vous aider à traiter votre mal de dos à la maison. On y présente des exercices à faire lorsque vous avez mal, ainsi que des images pour vous guider. D'autres conseils généraux et possibilités de traitement sont fournis. Les symptômes sont indiqués pour …
This information is for people who have been booked for a CT scan or have already had a chest CT scan. The pamphlet gives information about CT scans, what kind of follow-up tests might be needed, and understanding your chest CT results.