NSHA facilities are smoke-free, vape-free, and scent-free. Because NSHA is smoke-free, vape-free, and scent-free, only cannabis oil or capsules can be used in the hospital. This pamphlet provides information about using cannabis while in the hospital, as well as why it is important to tell your health care providers if you are using cannabis for any reason. The French version of this pamphlet 2077, "Questions sur l’utilisation du cannabis à l’hôpital", is also available.
Il est interdit de fumer, de vapoter ou d’utiliser des produits parfumés dans les établissements de la Régie de la santé de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Comme la Régie est sans fumée, sans vapotage et sans parfum, seules l’huile et les gélules de cannabis peuvent être utilisées à l’hôpital. Cette brochure fournit de l’information sur l’utilisation du cannabis à l’hôpital et sur l’importance d’informer vos fournisseurs de soins de santé si vous faites usage de cannabis, quelle qu’en soit la raison. ; Thi…
This pamphlet explains what to expect when you are admitted to Inverness Consolidated Memorial Hospital. Topics include your health care team, admission to hospital, what to bring to the hospital, medications, Nova Scotia Health Authority's smoke-free and scent-free policies, handwashing, and safety. Information on personal belongings, visitors, family spokesperson, confidentiality, and transfers, as well as contact information for the hospital, is also provided.
Sometimes a product is labelled as scent-free or fragrance-free, but a perfume or fragrance is added to cover up the smell of the chemicals. The chemicals used in scented products can make some people sick, especially people with fragrance sensitivities, asthma, allergies, and other medical conditions. This pamphlet gives a list of types of products that have scents. Instructions for removing scents from your clothes before coming to ICCS are provided. The pamphlet also gives instructions for r…
This pamphlet gives a list of types of products that have been approved by the Integrated Chronic Care Service (ICCS) as not having any added scents or fragrances. These products can be found in the health food section of grocery stores or in health food stores. Please only use scent-free products before coming to ICCS for your in-person appointments. See pamphlet 1933 - Integrated Chronic Care Service (ICCS) Scent-free Information for instructions on becoming scent-free for your appointments.
Integrated Chronic Care Service (ICCS) provides assessments and care planning for people with complex chronic (ongoing) conditions. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you come to ICCS. Topics include appointments, bringing a support person(s) and/or a loved one to your appointments, why ICCS is scent-free, what 'scent-free' means, and how to become scent-free for your appointments. An approved products list is provided.
Unit 5A at the Victoria General site of the QEII is a 26-bed unit with both private rooms (1 bed) and ward rooms (4 beds). The unit provides medical oncology, radiation oncology, gynecology oncology, and hospitalist medicine services. This pamphlet gives information about Home First and discharge planning, your health care team, visiting, and daily rounds. It also explains what to expect during your stay, including information about personal belongings, Nova Scotia Health's scent-free policy, s…