The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group is a skills training group. This group is for people who have a hard time controlling and expressing their emotions effectively. Topics include: how to join the group, when and where the group is held, expectations, and topics covered during sessions.
The Changeways group is for people with depression or low mood as their main concern. The group teaches skills in problem-solving and managing your lifestyle to help with your mood. Topics include: when and where the group meets, what you need to bring, who will be there, sharing with the group, and how the group will help you.
The Transition Bungalow Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The Program lets you test and practice your skills for living on your own before being discharged. You will live in a bungalow on the hospital grounds with other patients, or in the hospital in a 1-bedroom apartment. You can learn new skills to help you when you leave the hospital, and practice the skills you already have. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
This pamphlet explains how Occupational Therapy Services can help you to review, prescribe, and choose a wheelchair or scooter. It also explains what to expect as you have different appointments, including an assessment (review of your needs), a trial (to try out a wheelchair or scooter that is close to what is right for you), completing your wheelchair or scooter prescription, wheelchair or scooter set-up, and wheelchair skills training. Information about the cost of Occupational Therapy Servi…
The Pain Self-Management Program (PSMP) is a group program. It helps people with long-term pain learn skills to manage their pain each day. This pamphlet explains what the program is, what topics are talked about, and when and where the PSMP is held. Information on how to sign up for the program is included.
There are 2 fully-equipped 1-bedroom Independent Living Simulation (ILS) suites on the 4th floor of the Nova Scotia Rehabilitation and Arthritis Centre. These suites are designed to give you or support persons practice independent or assisted living before you go home. This pamphlet explains the type of life skills that can be practiced in the suites and when the suites can be used. A description of each suite, North Suite and The MacKinnon Family Suite (South), is provided.
The Recovery Support Program is for people who are 19 years of age or older, have problems with substance use and/or gambling, want to stop or lower their substance use and/or gambling, and want to use substances and/or gamble more safely. This pamphlet explains how to start the program, what supports are included, and what the Recovery Support Skills Group is. Information about whom to call for support and how to give program feedback is also provided.
Our anxiety groups are for people with anxiety as their main concern. This pamphlet explains when and where the group meets, what you need to bring, who will be there, sharing within the group, skills you will learn, and how the group will help you.
The Yarmouth Pain Self-Management Program (PSMP) is a group program. It helps people with long-term pain learn skills to manage their pain each day. There are up to 10 people in each group. The program lasts for 6 sessions. This pamphlet explains who the PSMP is for, what kinds of things you will do in the program, how to know if you are ready for the program, how to get the most out of it, when and where it is held, and how to join. Information on what other people are saying about the PSMP is…