This pamphlet provides information about nicotine replacement therapy options (like the patch, lozenges, gum, inhaler, mouth spray).
Nova Scotia Health promotes a smoke-free, tobacco-free, and vape-free environment for patients, visitors, and staff. Nova Scotia Health is committed to helping people smoke less, stop smoking, and stay smoke-free. This pamphlet provides information about smudging ceremonies, stopping smoking, referral to Tobacco Free Nova Scotia (TFNS), and what to do if you decide you are ready to try to quit tobacco. Contact information for TFNS and the Stop Smoking Program is provided. The French version of …
Santé Nouvelle-Écosse favorise des milieux sans tabac et sans vapotage pour les patients, les visiteurs et le personnel et veut aider les gens à moins fumer, à cesser de fumer et à demeurer non-fumeurs. Ce dépliant vous donne des renseignements sur les cérémonies de purification par la fumée, l’abandon du tabac et le renvoi à Sans Tabac Nouvelle-Écosse. Il vous donne aussi des conseils au cas où vous décideriez d’essayer de cesser de fumer. Il vous indique aussi comment vous pouvez communiquer …
Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina. This pamphlet explains how smoking increases your chance of getting cervical cancer, other reasons to quit smoking, what nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is and how much it will cost, why e-cigarettes are not recommended, medications that are available to help you quit smoking, and other options to quit smoking. Tips for quitting smoking and a list of res…
Lists the benefits of quitting smoking for those with cancer.
[POSTER] Lists the changes in your body after you quit smoking. It includes intervals of minutes, hours, and years.
Identifies how tobacco use can effect cancer, cancer treatment, and other diseases. Lists available supports.