This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0188. A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a test of part of the lower bowel (also known as the lower large intestine or the sigmoid). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look at the inside of your lower bowel and rectum. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is doen, and care after the test. Possible complications and symptoms requiring immediate medical attenti…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0211. A colonoscopy is an exam of the large bowel (also known as the large intestine or colon). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look for any changes on the inside of your large bowel. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, what polyps are, care after the test, and possible complications. If you are given sedation, you must not do certain acti…
A colposcopy is an examination of the cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. This pamphlet describes why you were referred for a colposcopy test, what will happen during the appointment, and afterward including next steps based on test results. Terms used in the guide are explained.
LEEP is used to treat abnormal cells on your cervix (lower part of the uterus). A special wire called a “loop” is used to send a small electrical current to the area and remove the abnormal cells. This pamphlet explains how LEEP is done, how long the treatment lasts, how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect after, if you need followup care, what risks may be involved, and when you should call the Clinic. Contact information is provided.
Your varicose veins have been injected with a special medication during a treatment called sclerotherapy. This medication causes a blockage in your varicose veins. This forces the blood to go around the blockage and travel through nearby healthier veins, increasing blood flow in your legs. This pamphlet gives specific directions to prevent blood clots from forming in your healthy veins. Mild side effects and a list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention are provided.
IRM est l’abréviation d’imagerie par résonance magnétique. L’appareil d’IRM utilise un puissant aimant, des ondes radioélectriques et un ordinateur. Il n’utilise pas de radiation ou de rayons X. L’appareil d’IRM prend des images détaillées qui permettent de voir les tissus de votre corps qui sont en santé et ceux qui ne le sont pas. Ces images aident votre médecin à diagnostiquer différents problèmes de santé. L’IRM n’est pas douloureuse. La présente ressource explique la durée de l’IRM, la faç…
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a stool (poop) sample to test for C. diff. Special rules you must follow for 5 days before you collect your stool are listed. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Le feuillet fournit des instructions pour l’application d’un onguent stéroïde sur la vulve pour traiter votre maladie de peau. Un diagramme est présenté pour vous indiquer exactement où appliquer l’onguent. Des conseils et des directives sont fournis. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "How to Apply Your Steroid Ointment" pamphlet 1607. This 1-page sheet outlines instructions for applying steroid ointment to your vulva to treat your particular skin condition. A diagram is provided to sh…
Methadone is an opioid analgesic (painkiller). It is often used to manage chronic pain. This pamphlet explains how to take methadone, when to take it, and what to do if you miss a dose. Special precautions, side effects, storage instructions, and a list of symptoms that require a call to your primary health care provider's office or the Pain Management Unit are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2193, "La méthadone pour traiter la douleur chronique," is also available.
Opioid medications are analgesics (painkillers), commonly known as narcotics. They are used to manage severe pain. This pamphlet explains when to take them, what to do if you miss a dose, special precautions, common side effects, and a list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention. Common concerns about tolerance, dependence, and addiction are explained. Instructions for storing opioids are given.
This one page pamphlet gives special instructions for the first 24 hours after your nerve block. Expectations regarding strength, sensation, and movement are provided with specific instructions depending on the location on your body where the nerve block was applied.
The death of someone important to you brings many changes in your life. As you adjust and respond to these changes, you will face challenges. Please remember: you are not alone. This pamphlet includes practical suggestions about dealing with common challenges you may face when you are grieving. Topics include making decisions, financial affairs, personal effects, memories of recent events, certain rooms or places, changes in relationships, special dates and events, dreams and visitations, looki…
La mort d'un proche entraîne de nombreux changements dans votre vie. En vous adaptant et en réagissant à ces changements, vous serez confronté à des défis. Rappelez-vous que vous n’êtes pas seul. Ce dépliant contient des suggestions pratiques pour faire face aux difficultés courantes auxquelles vous pourriez faire face en période de deuil. Les sujets traités comprennent la prise de décisions, les affaires financières, les effets personnels, les souvenirs d'événements récents, certaines pièces o…
La méthadone est un analgésique opioïde (antidouleur). Elle est souvent utilisée pour gérer la douleur chronique. Ce dépliant explique comment et à quelle fréquence vous devez prendre la méthadone, ce qu’il faut faire si vous manquez une dose, comment conserver ce médicament et les précautions spéciales à prendre. Il décrit les effets secondaires et quand vous devez appeler votre fournisseur de soins primaires ou l’unité de traitement de la douleur. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of th…
The retina is a very thin delicate tissue at the back of the eye that turns light into images. The macula is the very small central area of your retina. It gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces. There are 2 types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet. With dry AMD, changes happen slowly over months or years. There is no treatment for dry AMD. With wet (also called ‘exudative’) AMD, changes often happen quickly. It is possib…
La rétine est une membrane fine et délicate à l’arrière de l’œil. Elle transforme la lumière en images. La macula est la partie centrale et toute petite de la rétine. Elle vous donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour faire des choses comme lire, regarder la télé et voir les visages. Il existe deux formes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) : la forme sèche et la forme humide. Dans le cas de la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, les changements se produisent lentement, durant des mois …
The most common side effect from radiation therapy treatment is a skin reaction. No matter what area of the body is being treated, most patients will have a skin reaction. This pamphlet explains what a skin reaction is, how long you will have a skin reaction, what creams and lotions may help, what to avoid, if it is OK to wash and bathe, and how to use a saline soak and take a sitz bath. Other topics include whether your markings will come off, if you need to wear any special clothing near the …
This guide will help you care for your pleural catheter. Your nurse will review this information with you before you leave the hospital. This pamphlet explains what a pleural effusion is, how it is treated, draining, problems with draining, signs of infection, and what to do if you have signs of infection. Information on who to call if you have questions is included.
During this special X-ray test, a colourless dye is injected into your blood vessels so that they can be seen on X-ray. An angiogram can be used to X-ray blood vessels in various parts of the body. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, and care after the test.
This test uses sound waves (ultrasound) to take pictures of your heart. During this test, a flexible tube is passed through your mouth, down your throat, and into your esophagus (swallowing tube that connects your mouth and stomach). There is a special probe on the end of the tube. The pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, and care after the test.