This pamphlets explores what happens when cancer spreads to bones in the spine, causing spinal cord compression. Symptoms and treatments are listed.
This pamphlet gives information about a method of pain control called spinal cord stimulation. It explains the 3 steps of spinal cord stimulation, what to expect before and after your surgery, care at home, and signs of infection.
After spinal cord injury (SCI), you may have a lot of questions about your sexual health. Your rehabilitation (rehab) team is available to talk with you about any questions or concerns you may have. This pamphlet answers common questions, like whether you can still have sex, whether you will be able to have an erection or have vaginal lubrication (vagina becomes slippery to get ready for sex), whether you can still have an orgasm, how to manage bladder and/or bowel issues during sex, whether yo…
A spinal anesthetic is a type of anesthesia (freezing medication). It is used for surgeries on the lower part of your body (stomach and below). This pamphlet explains what a spinal anesthetic is, if it will hurt, if you will hear what is happening during your surgery, how a spinal anesthetic is different from a general anesthetic, the benefits and risks, if you can have a spinal anesthetic if you have a back problem, and if you can take pain medications with a spinal anesthetic. Information abo…
This test is sometimes called a spinal tap. There is a space around your spinal cord that is filled with fluid. In a lumbar puncture, a small amount of fluid is taken from this space. The cells in the fluid are studied under a microscope in a lab to check for any problems. This pamphlet explains what a lumbar puncture is, how long it takes, how the test is done, and what will happen after the test. A list of symptoms that require medical attention is included.
This test is sometimes called a spinal tap. There is a space around your spinal cord that is filled with fluid. In a lumbar puncture, a small amount of fluid is taken from this space. This pamphlet explains how the test is done and what will happen after the test. A list of symptoms that need medical attention is included.
An epidural blood patch is a procedure to treat headaches caused by low pressure in the fluid around the spine and brain. Your own blood can seal a leak in the spine the same way a bicycle inner tube can be patched. This can happen because of a spinal fluid leak after a spinal procedure. In rare cases it may happen spontaneously (for no apparent reason). This pamphlet explains what is done during an epidural blood patch. Topics include: what to expect after the procedure, what to do after going…
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colourless fluid. It cushions the brain and spinal cord to protect them from injury. As new fluid is made, the old fluid is absorbed (taken in). A ventricular drain may be inserted (put in) to measure the pressure of CSF inside your head or to help blocked CSF flow. This pamphlet explains how the drain is inserted, what will happen when the drain is in place, the possible risks of a ventricular drain, and how the drain is taken out.
The Neurosurgery Unit is for people with brain and/or spinal cord injury or disease. Our goal is to give the best possible care to you using a team approach. We have different levels of care to support your recovery. This pamphlet explains the 2 levels of care: the Neurosurgery Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU) and the Neurosurgery floor. It also gives information about transitioning from the ICU, Home First and discharge planning, visiting, information for your loved ones, places for your loved on…