Birth control patches prevent pregnancy by preventing an egg from leaving your ovary each month. This prevents fertilization (when an egg and sperm join). This pamphlet explains how the patch works, how well it works, when it starts to work, pros and cons, how to use it, and possible side effects. The French version of this pamphlet 2026, "Le timbre contraceptif", is also available.
Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by preventing an egg from leaving your ovary each month. This prevents fertilization (when an egg and sperm join). This pamphlet explains how well the pill works, when it starts working, pros and cons, how to take it, and possible side effects. The French version of this pamphlet 2027, "La pilule contraceptive", is also available.
Buprenorphine is a medication used to treat opioid use disorder. It is long-acting, which means it is slowly released in the body over a longer time. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, how fast buprenorphine starts to work, how your health care team will find the right dose for you, and how long you will need to take buprenorphine. Information on whether buprenorphine interacts with any other medications and possible side effects is included.
On parle de déclenchement artificiel du travail quand une méthode ou un médicament est utilisé pour commencer le travail avant qu’il ne commence par lui-même. Le but du déclenchement artificiel du travail est l’accouchement vaginal. Le présent dépliant explique pourquoi on vous offre le déclenchement artificiel du travail, la façon dont il est fait, le temps nécessaire et ce qui se passe à votre arrivée à l’hôpital. On traite aussi de ce qu’il faut faire si le déclenchement artificiel du travai…
Le décollement postérieur du vitré (DPV) est un problème oculaire fréquent pouvant entraîner l’apparition de corps flottants (points ou taches) et d’éclairs. Le DPV se produit lorsque le gel qui se trouve à l’arrière de l’œil commence avec l’âge à rétrécir et devient liquide. Ce gel, appelé humeur vitrée, est normalement attaché à la membrane de l’œil, c’est-à-dire à la rétine. Lorsque l’humeur vitrée rétrécit, elle peut se détacher à certains endroits de la rétine. Ce dépliant présente les cau…
Depo-Provera® is a hormone used to prevent pregnancy. It is injected into your hip or arm using a needle. This pamphlet explains how it works, how well it works, how to get it, when it starts working, pros and cons, who should not take it, and things to remember when taking it. The French version of this pamphlet 2016, "Depo-Provera", is also available.
Depo-Provera est un produit hormonal injectable similaire à la progestérone naturelle produite par les ovaires tous les mois. Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment Depo-Provera travaille, quelle est son efficacité, comment se le procurer, quand il commence à agir, quels sont les avantages et les désavantages de prendre Depo-Provera, quelles sont les personnes qui ne devraient pas prendre ce produit hormonal et quelles sont les choses à ne pas oublier quand vous le pren…
Induction of labour is when a method or medication is used to start labour before it starts on its own. The goal of induction is to have a vaginal birth. This pamphlet explains why you are being offered induction, how it is done, how long it takes, and what will happen when you come to the hospital. What to do if your induction is postponed is also discussed. The French version of this pamphlet 1813, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail", is also available.
Methadone is a medication used to treat opioid use disorder. It is long-acting, which means it is slowly released in the body over a long time. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, how fast methadone starts to work, how your health care team will find the right dose for you, and how long you will need to take methadone. Information about interactions with other medications and possible side effects is included.
La pilule contraceptive empêche la grossesse en arrêtant le cycle d’ovulation, en provoquant l’épaississement des sécrétions (mucus) du col de l’utérus et en modifiant la paroi intérieure de l’utérus. Le livret explique le fonctionnement de la pilule, le moment où elle commence son travail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, la manière de la prendre et ce qui peut modifier son efficacité; on explique quoi faire si on oublie de prendre la pilule, les effets secondaires possibles, de même que le…
Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a common eye condition that can cause floaters (dots or spots) and flashes of light in your vision. PVD happens when your vitreous humor (a gel at the back of your eye) starts to shrink and becomes liquid. A healthy vitreous humour is attached to a part of your eye called the retina. When the vitreous humour shrinks, it can detach (come apart) from parts of the retina. This pamphlet explains what causes PVD, the symptoms of PVD, and how PVD is diagnosed an…
Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina. This pamphlet explains how smoking increases your chance of getting cervical cancer, other reasons to quit smoking, what nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is and how much it will cost, why e-cigarettes are not recommended, medications that are available to help you quit smoking, and other options to quit smoking. Tips for quitting smoking and a list of res…