Guide for colon cancer survivors describing recommended follow-up care and what to expect next. Lists supports and resources available.
Guide for rectal cancer survivors describing recommended follow-up care and what to expect next. Lists supports and resources available.
Guide for thyroid cancer survivors describing recommended follow-up care and what to expect next. Lists supports and resources available.
Guide for breast cancer survivors describing recommended follow-up care and what to expect next. Lists supports and resources available.
Cancer may be treated with a combination of treatments, radiation therapy is used to shrink cancer and lower the chance of it returning. This pamphlets describes how to prepare for the appointments, what will happen during your treatment, how long the treatments will take, and the possible side effects with coping strategies such as changing eating habits. The pamphlet describes the supports available to you and questions to ask your health care team.
Certain blood cancers and blood disorders are treated with a stem cell transplant. Total Marrow Irradiation (TMI), like chemotherapy, is given to get your body ready for the stem cells. This pamphlet describes why TMI has been recommended, what will happen during treatment, possible side effects, supports available, and suggested questions to ask your health care team.
Guide for cancer survivors describing recommended follow-up care and what to expect next. Lists supports and resources available.
Identifies how tobacco use can effect cancer, cancer treatment, and other diseases. Lists available supports.
A guide to physical activity and how it can affect cancer treatment. Answers questions about the benefits of being active, goal setting, and what supports are available to you.
This guide is for cancer patients who have been treated for prostate cancer. It describes a recommended follow-up care plan and includes supports and resources available to you.
Harbour View Hospital’s Adult Day Program supports participants’ physical, mental, social, spiritual, and recreational needs. It also gives respite for caregivers. Topics include: Program info, who should attend, what will happen at the Program, how to join, and contact info.
Dans le cadre de vos soins, vous pouvez bénéficier du soutien et des services offerts par les soins continus de Santé Nouvelle-Écosse ou par des fournisseurs de services contractuels. Il est important que vous disposiez de l'information nécessaire pour prendre des décisions éclairées lorsque vous recevez des services de soins continus. Ce dépliant explique ce à quoi vous attendre en matière de qualité des soins, de dignité et de respect, de plan de soins, de décisions relatives aux services, de…
Anger is a natural emotion. People with an ABI sometimes have problems with anger. It is important to manage your anger. If you do not manage your anger, it can hurt your relationships and make it hard for you to do things (like work or take part in social activities). Tips for managing anger are provided. A list of resources to find services and supports is given.
This pamphlet lists food and transportation supports in Yarmouth. Services are listed in the following categories: I need groceries; I need a meal; I need help with buying food; and I need help with getting around. Contact information and a brief description of each service is included.
Spiritual Care is counselling that offers spiritual and emotional support. Spiritual Care supports patients and families of any ethnic or religious background. This pamphlet explains how Spiritual Care can help, what a Spiritual Care provider does, and how and when you can access spiritual care. Chapel/Place of Prayer and Meditation locations at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax and the Cape Breton Regional Hospital in Sydney are provided. Phone numbers to contact Spiritual Care direct…
The Transition Bungalow Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The Program lets you test and practice your skills for living on your own before being discharged. You will live in a bungalow on the hospital grounds with other patients, or in the hospital in a 1-bedroom apartment. You can learn new skills to help you when you leave the hospital, and practice the skills you already have. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
The Community Client Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The Program is available to help in 2 ways: after you are given a conditional discharge from the Criminal Code Review Board (CCRB) or after you are found not criminally responsible (NCR) for an offense and the court releases you to the community. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
The Rehabilitation Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. After your first Criminal Code Review Board hearing, you will work with your health care team to create a Recovery Plan. You will choose goals and learning to help you in your recovery. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
The Forensic Assessment Corrections Treatment (FACT) Unit Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The FACT Unit is a 24-bed psychiatric assessment unit. Patients on this unit may be: remanded (sent back) from the judicial system for a court ordered assessment or admitted from a provincial correctional facility (prison) for treatment after becoming mentally ill. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
This pamphlet is for family and friends of patients in the Forensic Assessment Corrections Treatment (FACT) Unit Program available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The FACT Unit is a 24-bed psychiatric assessment unit. Patients on this unit may be: remanded (sent back) from the judicial system for a court ordered assessment or admitted from a provincial correctional facility (prison) for treatment after becoming mentally ill. Program expectations and the role you will play in your loved one…