The Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) provides safe evaluation and treatment of episodes, seizures, or epilepsy. The goal of admission to the EMU is to record your seizures to help us better understand your seizure disorder. This pamphlet gives details about being admitted, how to prepare for your stay, how video-EEG works, and what you can expect during your time in the hospital.
This pamphlet provides guidelines for the first 4 weeks (1 month) after bowel surgery. They will help with your healing, comfort, and bowel function. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed.
Fatty liver disease happens when there is a buildup of extra fat cells in the liver. This pamphlet explains how fatty liver disease is diagnosed and what to do if you are diagnosed with fatty liver disease. A website for further information is given.
This pamphlet explains how to prepare your skin before open heart surgery using 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) cloths. Information is provided about shaving, bathing, areas to be cleaned, and possible skin sensitivity. The French version of this pamphlet 1902, "Préparer votre peau avant une chirurgie à cœur ouvert", is also available.
This guide will help you get ready to be admitted to the Victoria General Hospital, QEII Health Sciences Centre for esophageal surgery. This guide gives information on how to get ready for surgery, your hospital stay, and care at home after surgery. This guide includes a Clinical Pathway. A Clinical Pathway is a general guideline about your care. It will tell you what will happen each day before and after your surgery. Make sure to read this guide and bring it to the hospital with you on the da…
Un échocardiogramme est un examen du cœur sans douleur et sans danger. Il indique la taille, la forme et le mouvement du cœur, ainsi que le flux sanguin qui passe par le cœur. Des ondes sonores (ultrasons) sont utilisées pour obtenir une image du cœur qui peut ensuite être vue à l’écran d’un ordinateur. Le présent livret précise comment se préparer pour l’examen, qui fait l’examen, ce qui se passe pendant et après l’examen et la durée de l’examen. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ech…
This pamphlet is about laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair. A hiatal hernia happens when part of your stomach moves up into your lower chest through an opening in the diaphragm. Topics include what to expect after surgery, including intravenous (IV), nasogastric tube, face mask or nasal prongs, pain management, and deep breathing and coughing. Activity after your surgery and nutrition are also explained. A clinical pathway and glossary are also included. The French version of this pamphlet 1899, …
Pulmonary (lung) rehabilitation (PR) combines exercise, education, and support to help you improve your overall health and well-being. The PR Program may be right for you if you have a chronic (ongoing) lung disease (like COPD, lung fibrosis, or lung transplant). The PR Program may help with symptoms like shortness of breath or loss of strength that make it harder for you to do daily activities. This pamphlet explains the benefits of PR, what the PR program involves, and how to get started. A l…
Votre chirurgien a pris les dispositions nécessaires à l’ablation de votre appendice. Cette chirurgie est appelée appendicectomie. La présente brochure explique ce qui se passe après la chirurgie et comment participer à vos soins. Elle explique de plus ce qu’est l’appendice, ce qui se passe après la chirurgie, où se trouvent les incisions, quand vous pourrez prendre une douche ou un bain, et si vous pourrez manger, vous lever et vous déplacer après la chirurgie. On y parle également du moment a…
La présente brochure porte sur la chirurgie laparoscopique de la hernie hiatale. On parle de hernie hiatale quand une partie de votre estomac remonte dans la partie inférieure de votre thorax par un orifice dans le diaphragme. Les sujets traités sont, entre autres, à quoi s’attendre après la chirurgie (intraveineuse, sonde nasogastrique, masque ou canule nasale), la gestion de la douleur et les exercices de respiration profonde et de toux. On y traite aussi de l’activité et de la nutrition aprè…
This pamphlet will help you learn about your halo brace. A halo brace is worn so that your neck fracture heals properly. This is similar to how a plaster cast protects a broken arm or leg while it is healing. This pamphlet gives information about balance and movement, hygiene, best options for clothing and shoes, and pin sites care. Information about halo vests, loose nuts and bolts, common concerns, activity while wearing a halo brace, and how long you will need to wear the halo brace is inclu…
This pamphlet explains what to expect if your urinary catheter (tube in your bladder) is taken out. It explains common symptoms and what to do if they do not go away or get better. It describes what you can do to help (suc has drinking fluids, measuring your urine). If you have any questions or concerns and you do not have a follow-up appointment booked at the Urology Clinic, visit your primary health care provider.
This pamphlet explains what to expect if you are going home with a ureteral stent inserted. It explains how long you will have the stent, how it is put in, care instructions, removal, and possible side effects. It lists what to do if your stent moves out of place, how it may affect daily activities, and whether it will increase your risk of urinary track infections (UTIs). A list of symptoms that need emergency medical attention is listed.
Intermittent catheterization is a way to drain urine (pee) from your bladder at different times. A catheter (thin, hollow tube) is passed through the urethra (short tube where urine from your bladder is moved outside of your body) into the bladder to drain the urine. This pamphlet explains why a catheter may be needed, how to put the catheter in, how to wash your catheter, and things to remember. A list of symptoms that require medical attention is provided.
Initiation is the ability to start an activity. Motivation is the desire to do an activity. Many people with an acquired brain injury (ABI) have trouble doing tasks or taking part in activities. This is often caused by a problem with initiation, not because you are not motivated. This pamphlet explains how problems with initiation may affect you and what you can do to help with initiation.
This double-sided sheet allows you to write down the ostomy supplies that have been ordered for you after you have received ostomy care. Details about follow-up appointments and when to call the NSWOC (Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence) Clinic are listed. Contact information for nurses specialized in wound, ostomy, and continence in the Atlantic region is included.
During Whipple surgery, parts of the stomach, small bowel, gallbladder, and pancreas are removed. These organs are important for digesting food. After surgery you may need to make some changes to your eating habits. Following the tips in this guide can help you get the nutrition you need to heal, feel comfortable during the first 4 weeks (1 month) after surgery, and keep or gain weight after surgery. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed. Other topics include whether you w…
The prostate is a gland that makes seminal fluid. Prostate cancer is a disease where cancer cells start to grow in the prostate gland. These cancer cells grow into a tumor and can spread to other parts of the body such as the bones and lymph nodes. This pamphlet explains what causes prostate cancer, what hormones are, what testosterone does, how hormone therapy works for prostate cancer, how long you will be on hormone therapy, and side effects. A list of resources for further information is pr…
Ce guide vous aidera, vous et votre famille, à en savoir plus sur ce que vous devez faire après une greffe du foie. Il répond aux nombreuses questions que vous avez sur le processus de transplantation. Si vous avez des préoccupations, vous pouvez vous adresser à l’équipe du programme de transplantation multi-organes (équipe de transplantation). Chaque personne étant différente, il est possible que certaines des situations présentées ici ne vous concernent pas. Les sujets traités sont les suivan…
Les entérobactéries sont des bactéries naturellement présentes dans les intestins (appareil digestif). Les entérobactéries productrices de carbapénèmases (EPC) sont des bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques de la famille des carbapénèmes. Cela signifie que ces antibiotiques n’arrivent plus à empêcher la croissance des bactéries. Ce dépliant explique les modes de propagation des EPC, les raisons pour lesquelles les EPC sont préoccupantes, comment reconnaître la présence d’EPC dans le corps, et…