Your primary health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) has ordered a test to check your stool (poop) for fat. You should eat 100 to 150 grams of fat each day for this test. Follow this plan for 6 days: 3 days before you collect your stool and 3 days during collection. Choose foods listed in this pamphlet. The pamphlet lists the number of grams of fat in a variety of foods and includes a sample menu. Drop-off site locations for samples are included.
Avoir une alimentation saine peut aider à réduire les risques de maladies cardiaques par un contrôle de son poids, la baisse du taux de cholestérol ainsi que la prévention ou le contrôle de l’hypertension artérielle. Ce dépliant donne des conseils pour avoir une alimentation saine, notamment réduire sa consommation de sel, consommer plus de fibres ainsi que de fruits et de légumes, et consommer moins de sucre et de matières grasses. Il offre de plus une liste de ressources. ; This pamphlet is a…
Une saine alimentation peut aider à réduire votre risque de maladie du cœur en améliorant vos taux de cholestérol et en vous aidant à abaisser votre tension artérielle, à gérer votre poids corporel et à contrôler le taux de glucose (sucre) dans votre sang. Nous vous offrons des suggestions pour une saine alimentation, comme des conseils visant à réduire votre consommation de sel, à augmenter votre consommation de fibres, à manger plus de légumes et de fruits et moins de sucre et de gras. Nous …
Heart healthy eating means having a balance of nutritious whole foods in your meals. Healthy eating can help lower your risk of heart disease by improving your cholesterol levels, lowering your blood pressure, managing your body weight, and controlling your blood glucose (sugar). This pamphlet explains what you can do to eat heart healthy, including tips to help limit sodium (salt), sugar, and fat, and eat more fibre, fruits, and vegetables. Information on how to read a food label is given. A l…
Healthy eating can help lower your risk of heart disease by controlling your weight, lowering your cholesterol, and preventing or controlling high blood pressure. Suggestions for healthy eating are offered such as tips for lowering your salt intake, increasing fibre, tips to help you eat more vegetables and fruit, and how to eat less sugar and fat. A list of resources is given. The French version of this pamphlet 1218, "Conseils alimentaires pour la santé du cœur", is also available.
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives you tips to eat less fat, tips to help you eat better, and information about protein, energy, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein, low fat sample m…
You may need a low fat eating plan if you have trouble digesting fat. This guide can help you make low fat food choices. Lists of "Best choices" and "Foods to avoid" are given. Tips for reading food labels, cooking methods, and serving sizes are included.
You may need to take medium chain triglycerides (MCT) if your body has trouble digesting or absorbing regular fat in food. This pamphlet explains how to use MCT oil and gives MCT recipes. Information about how to order MCT oil is also included.
Your doctor has ordered a test to check your stool (poop) for fat. Locations for drop-offs are included.