Nova Scotia Health promotes a smoke-free, tobacco-free, and vape-free environment for patients, visitors, and staff. Nova Scotia Health is committed to helping people smoke less, stop smoking, and stay smoke-free. This pamphlet provides information about smudging ceremonies, stopping smoking, referral to Tobacco Free Nova Scotia (TFNS), and what to do if you decide you are ready to try to quit tobacco. Contact information for TFNS and the Stop Smoking Program is provided. The French version of …
Cette brochure a été préparée dans le but d'aider les patients et leurs familles à se préparer en vue d'un séjour au QEII. Elle contient une vaste gamme de renseignements utiles, y compris les nombreux services offerts aux patients et aux familles. ; This pamphlet gives information on parking, the shuttle service, local transportation, wi-fi, cafeterias and restaurants, drugstores, spiritual care and places of prayer and meditation, patient relations, security, and more. A map of the QE II Heal…
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is used to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This pamphlet lists things to remember when choosing a CPAP provider. The pamphlet includes information on what a good provider will do when you start CPAP, CPAP equipment, and what to expect for good follow-up care once you have started treatment.
This pamphlet explains what you can expect from a stay at a Community Transitional Care Centre.
La présente publication explique comment Santé Nouvelle-Écosse protège votre vie privée et la confidentialité. La publication vous renseigne sur la manière dont Santé Nouvelle-Écosse utilise vos renseignements personnels sur la santé, sur les renseignements personnels sur la santé qui sont protégés ou non par la loi sur les renseignements médicaux personnels (Personal Health Information Act), et sur vos droits en vertu de la loi. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Privacy of Your Perso…
Ce dépliant explique le rôle que vous et votre famille jouez en matière de sécurité lors du séjour de votre enfant à l'hôpital. Des conseils sont fournis sur les sujets suivants : prévention de l'enlèvement d'enfants, prévention du risque de coincement, prévention du risque d'entortillement ou d'étranglement de votre enfant dans le matériel d'hôpital, prévention des chutes, infections, plaies de pression, sommeil, utilisation d'Internet, sécurité des médicaments, jeux sécuritaires et sécurité a…
This pamphlet explains what to expect while receiving supports and services offered by Nova Scotia Health Continuing Care and/or contracted service providers. It includes information about your plan of care, service decisions, your privacy, safety, and fees for service. The French version of this pamphlet 2188, "Soins continus - Information importante", is also available.
This list will help you manage your health when you leave the hospital. Topics include your discharge conversation, medications, and follow-up appointments. Information on what to do if your symptoms get worse is provided. Resources for COVID-19, mental health and addictions, financial programs and services, and other helpful resources are listed. A list of questions you may have for your health care team before leaving the hospital is included. There is space at the end of the guide to write y…
This is an Arabic translation of pamphlet 2220. This list will help you manage your health when you leave the hospital. Topics include your discharge conversation, medications, and follow-up appointments. Information on what to do if your symptoms get worse is provided. Resources for COVID-19, mental health and addictions, financial programs and services, and other helpful resources are listed. A list of questions you may have for your health care team before leaving the hospital is included. T…
Cette liste vous aidera à gérer votre santé lorsque vous quitterez l'hôpital. Les sujets abordés comprennent la conversation au moment du congé, les médicaments et les rendez-vous de suivi. De l'information sur ce qu'il faut faire si vos symptômes s'aggravent est fournie. Vous y trouverez également des ressources concernant la COVID-19, la santé mentale et les dépendances, les programmes et services financiers, ainsi que d'autres ressources utiles. Une liste de questions que vous pouvez poser à…
Le don d’organes et de tissus peut améliorer ou sauver la vie de nombreuses personnes. Un seul donneur d’organe peut sauver jusqu’à huit vies, et une personne faisant un don oculaire et de tissus peut améliorer la vie de 75 personnes. Aspects abordés : personnes pouvant faire un don, processus d’inscription, que se passe-t-il si vous ne vous inscrivez pas et qui peut accéder à votre décision. Les organes et les tissus pouvant être donnés sont indiqués dans le dépliant. Les responsables du progr…
Your early warning score (EWS) is a guide used by your health care team. It helps them to quickly find out how sick you are and if there are changes to your condition. To find your EWS, your health care team will take your vital signs. This pamphlet explains how your health care team uses your EWS.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2084. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This tool can help if you are not sure of the right thing to do, or you are wondering how to talk with the health care team about what is important to you or your loved one. A link to the tool and contact information for Ethics Nova Scotia Health is included. ; The French version of this pamphlet 2143, "Outil d’éthique pour les patients et les …
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2084. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This tool can help if you are not sure of the right thing to do, or you are wondering how to talk with the health care team about what is important to you or your loved one. A link to the tool and contact information for Ethics Nova Scotia Health is included. ; The French translation of this pamphlet 2143, "Outil d'éthique pour les p…
Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. It may help to figure out what is worrying you or making y…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do…
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out…
When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This tool can help if you are not sure of the right thing to do, or you are wondering how to talk with the health care team about what is important to you or your loved one. A link to the tool and contact information for Ethics Nova Scotia Health is included. ; The French version of this pamphlet 2143, "Outil d’éthique pour les patients et les familles", is also available. ; The Arabic version of this p…
Many people look for health information online. Using Google may give you lots of information, but it may not be the best information. The quality of information online varies. This pamphlet includes questions to ask about health-related websites, things to think about, and good starting points for online health information. The internet can be helpful, but it should never replace talking to your health care providers. They are the experts.
This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2393, "Hospital Fees for Out-of-Country Visitors". If you are not a Canadian resident with a valid health card, you will have to pay for your care. This pamphlet gives information about Emergency Health Services (EHS), insurance, hospital stays, outpatient services, and other care options. ; The Arabic version of this pamphlet 2395, is also available. The Simplified Chinese version of this pamphlet 2396, is also available. The Ukrain…