This instruction sheet outlines equipment needed and gives step-by-step procedures to help you change a one-piece colostomy/ileostomy appliance. A contact number is provided if you have questions.
This double-sided sheet lists the supplies you will need and gives step-by-step instructions to help you change a one-piece colostomy or ileostomy pouch. Contact information for the NSWOC (Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence) Clinic is included.
This instruction sheet outlines equipment needed and gives step-by-step procedures to help you change a two-piece colostomy/ileostomy appliance. A contact number is provided if you have questions.
This double-sided sheet lists the supplies you will need and gives step-by-step instructions to help you change a two-piece colostomy or ileostomy pouch. Contact information for the NSWOC (Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence) Clinic is included.
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after ileostomy surgery. This pamphlet provides guidelines to help you manage symptoms that may happen after surgery. It lists food that should be avoided and suggests preferred food choices.
This double-sided sheet allows you to write down the ostomy supplies that have been ordered for you after you have received ostomy care. Details about follow-up appointments and when to call the NSWOC (Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence) Clinic are listed. Contact information for nurses specialized in wound, ostomy, and continence in the Atlantic region is included.