Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a common eye condition that can cause floaters (dots or spots) and flashes of light in your vision. PVD happens when your vitreous humor (a gel at the back of your eye) starts to shrink and becomes liquid. A healthy vitreous humour is attached to a part of your eye called the retina. When the vitreous humour shrinks, it can detach (come apart) from parts of the retina. This pamphlet explains what causes PVD, the symptoms of PVD, and how PVD is diagnosed an…
Ptosis is the medical word for a droopy eyelid. This pamphlet explains what ptosis is, how it is treated, and what to expect before, during, and after surgery. The pamphlet will help you learn how to care for yourself safely after surgery, including how to care for your dressing, use a cold compress, and deal with discomfort. Information on follow-up care and a list of symptoms that need medical attention is included. The French version of this pamphlet 2112, "Opération du ptosis (paupière tomb…
Tears are made by the lacrimal gland and other tear glands around the eyes. They drain through each punctum into the lacrimal sac, and then into the nose. The puncta are 2 small openings at the nose end of each eyelid. Small silicone (rubber) plugs can be placed into one or both puncta. The plugs block the openings, letting more moisture stay on your eyes to help with dry eyes. If the plugs have openings, they help your tears to drain better. This pamphlet explains what will happen when the pun…
This pamphlet will help you learn how to care for yourself safely after surgery. This surgery is called a dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). It is needed when the tear duct is blocked and tears cannot drain. During the surgery, your surgeon will make a new tear path so that your tears can drain into your nose. The pamphlet explains what will happen before, during, and after your surgery. Topics include pain, how to use a cold compress, your dressing, after care, and follow-up. Symptoms that need medi…
The retina is the lining at the back of your eye. Your retina must be healthy for you to see well. The Retinal Acuity Meter (RAM) is a test used to measure how much vision you have in your retina. The test shows how much vision is possible even if you have blurred vision. For example, the RAM can show how much vision you will have after a cataract is removed. This pamphlet explains getting ready for the test, how the RAM is done, and what to expect after the test. The French version of this pa…
The retina is a thin, light-sensitive tissue that lines the inside of the eye. Light enters the eye and is focused onto the retina. This is what lets us see. A retinal detachment (RD) is a condition that happens when the retina detaches (pulls away) from the inside wall of the eye. The retina is not able to work as well, which can lead to blurred vision or vision loss. This pamphlet explains what causes RD, what the symptoms of RD are, who is at risk for RD, and how RD is diagnosed and treated.…
Light is reflected from objects and enters the pupil. It passes through the lens and vitreous (clear jelly-like fluid) onto your retina. Your retina changes light into a message. The optic nerve carries the message to your brain. When the brain receives the message, you have vision. Your retina is as thin as tissue paper. Change or damage to the retina can cause vision loss. This pamphlet explains how you can tell if your retina is damaged, what kinds of damage can happen to the retina, and typ…
Thyroid eye disease (also known as Graves’ eye disease) may happen when you have a problem with your thyroid gland. Graves’ eye disease can affect the skin, fat and muscles around your eyeball. It can cause redness and swelling within your eye socket. This pamphlet explains how thyroid eye disease is diagnosed, what the treatment is, and what you can do to help. The French version of this pamphlet 1919, "Ophtalmopathie thyroïdienne", is also available.
La lumière est reflétée par des objets et pénètre par la pupille. Elle traverse la lentille et le corps vitré pour atteindre la rétine. Lorsque le cerveau reçoit ce message, la vision s’effectue. Un changement ou des dommages à la rétine peuvent entraîner une perte de vision. La présente publication explique comment savoir si votre rétine est endommagée, quels problèmes peuvent survenir sur la rétine, et quels types de traitements et d’opérations s’offrent à vous. ; This is a French translation…
The Urgent Eye Clinic provides medical, surgical, and emergency eye care. It is also called the Red Eye Clinic. The Clinic is run by a team of staff and resident ophthalmologists (eye doctors), nurses, and orthoptists (eye health professionals who specialize in how your eyes move and your vision develops). You must be referred to the Clinic by a doctor, an eye care provider, or another health care provider. Your appointment time will be based on how serious the issue is. This pamphlet explains …
This pamphlet gives instructions on how to use eye drops. The French version of this pamphlet 2096, "Utilisation des gouttes pour les yeux", is also available.
Il peut être bouleversant de perdre la vue. Vous pourriez ressentir de la peur, de la tristesse ou de la frustration – cela est normal. Cette brochure fournit de l’information et les conseils de professionnels de la santé sur l’adaptation à une perte de vision. On y traite des types de perte de vision, des conseils pour s’y adapter (comme rester en sécurité à la maison et utiliser la technologie d’assistance adaptable) et de la façon dont la perte de vision affecte vos proches. On y fournit des…
Uveitis (u-vee-I-tis) is inflammation (swelling) of the eye, similar to arthritis, but in the eye. Iritis (i-RYE-tis) is a type of uveitis. The inflammation is in the area of the iris, at the front of the eye. This pamphlet explains the symptoms of uveitis and how it is treated.
A visual field test measures your peripheral and mid-peripheral vision (side vision). The pamphlet explains how to prepare for the test, how the test is done, and how to get your test results. The French version of this pamphlet 2100, "Examen du champ visuel", is also available.