This pamphlet reviews how to protect your peritoneal dialysis catheter. Information includes how to care for your incision (cut) or exit site after surgery and keeping your bowels regular. Information about when to call your VON or home care nurse is also given. The French version of this pamphlet 2098, "Prendre soin de votre cathéter de dialyse péritonéale", is also available.
This pamphlet reviews what to expect before, during and after surgery for the insertion of a peritoneal dialysis catheter. Information includes how to get your bowels ready for surgery, what to bring to the hospital on the day of surgery, care of your incision/exit site and keeping your bowels regular after surgery. Information about peritoneal dialysis teaching is also provided.
This pamphlet reviews important instructions about how to get ready for your procedure and what to do on the day of your procedure. If you do not follow these instructions, your procedure may be cancelled. Info on how to keep your bowels regular are also included.
La brochure porte sur la façon de protéger votre cathéter de dialyse péritonéale. On y traite des soins de l’incision (coupure) ou du point d'émergence cutané (point de sortie) après l’opération et du maintien de la régularité intestinale. On vous indique aussi quand appeler l’infirmière de l’Ordre de Victoria du Canada (VON) ou des soins à domicile. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Care of Your Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter" pamphlet 0352. This pamphlet reviews how to protect your pe…