Ce dépliant est un outil éducatif pour les patients atteints de COVID-19 et leurs aidants. Lorsque vous êtes atteint de COVID-19, le fait de vous allonger sur le ventre et d'adopter différentes positions aidera votre corps à faire circuler l'air dans toutes les parties de vos poumons. Ce dépliant décrit les différentes façons de vous positionner pour faciliter la respiration. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2251, "How to Self-Prone - Instructions for COVID-19 Patients and…
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for COVID-19 patients and their caregivers. When you have COVID-19, lying on your belly and in different positions will help your body to get air into all areas of your lungs. The pamphlet outlines different ways to position yourself to help you breathe easier. The French version of this pamphlet, 2255, "Comment s’allonger sur le ventre : instructions pour les patients atteints de COVID-19 et leurs aidants," is also available. The Arabic translation of this pamp…
This is an Arabic translation of pamphlet 2251. This pamphlet is a teaching tool for COVID-19 patients and their caregivers. When you have COVID-19, lying on your belly and in different positions will help your body to get air into all areas of your lungs. The pamphlet outlines different ways to position yourself to help you breathe easier. The French version of this pamphlet, 2255, "Comment s’allonger sur le ventre : instructions pour les patients atteints de COVID-19 et leurs aidants," is als…