Many people use technology (phones, computers, TVs, lights, and more) every day. An injury or a change in your health may affect your ability to use your technology. The Access to Technology team will work with you to find a new or easier way to use your technology. Topics include: what to expect, what to bring to appointments, and what will happen at your first appointment and follow-up appointments. Contact information for the Service is listed.
The Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Day Treatment Program is a supportive group where you can: learn about ABI, learn ways to manage ongoing challenges related to your ABI, meet people with similar experiences, and explore your strengths. This pamphlet explains who the program is for, who is eligible, and the two parts of the program. Contact information is provided.
The Active Cycle Breathing Technique (ACBT) will help clear secretions like sputum. Sputum is mucus mixed with saliva (spit). This pamphlet outlines steps involved in breathing control, deep breathing exercises, and huffing. A technique summary is provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2200, "Technique de respiration en cycle actif (TRCA)," is also available.
This pamphlet explains how having a liver transplant may affect your mental health. Topics include: When will my life be back to normal? Are my feelings normal? When should I get help? How do I get help? If you need mental health help right away, important phone numbers are listed.
This guide will help you understand what will happen before and after your surgery, how you may feel, how to care for your amputation, and how to adapt your lifestyle to this change.
This guide explains levels of limb amputation, who is on your health care team, what will happen before surgery, and what to expect after surgery.
This guide will help you and your family learn about your care after a liver transplant. This guide will answer many of your questions about the transplant process. Members of the Multi-Organ Transplant Program Team (Transplant Team) are also available to talk with you about your concerns. Everyone is different, so you may not have or develop all of the conditions that you read about in this guide. Topics include: in the hospital, monitoring, possible complications, planning for discharge, foll…
Ce guide vous aidera, vous et votre famille, à en savoir plus sur ce que vous devez faire après une greffe du foie. Il répond aux nombreuses questions que vous avez sur le processus de transplantation. Si vous avez des préoccupations, vous pouvez vous adresser à l’équipe du programme de transplantation multi-organes (équipe de transplantation). Chaque personne étant différente, il est possible que certaines des situations présentées ici ne vous concernent pas. Les sujets traités sont les suivan…
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'ankle dorsiflexion', 'ankle inversion', 'ankle eversion', 'ankle plantar flexion' and 'standing ankle dorsiflexion'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'ankle dorsiflexion', 'ankle plantarflexion', 'ankle inversion', 'ankle eversion' and 'ankle circles'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'elbow flexion and extension' and 'pronation and supination'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'elbow flexion and extension' and 'supination and pronation'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. Exercises for the lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, eyes, and mouth are included.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. Exercises include 'Metacarpal phalangeal joint (MCP)', 'Proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP)', 'Distal interphalangeal joint (DIP)', and 'Finger abduction'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'hip flexor stretch', 'hip abductor stretch', 'hip adductor stretch', and 'glute stretch'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'hip flexion and abduction', 'hip extension', 'hip rotation', and 'hip adduction'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'knee flexion and extension'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'knee flexion and extension' and 'quad stretch'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing this exercise as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'ankle pumping', 'ankle circles', 'glute squeezes' and 'knee to chest'.