Laser treatment uses a strong beam of light (laser) that can be focused to treat certain diseases of the retina. The 3 most common diseases treated with a laser are – retinal holes or tears, diabetic eye disease (diabetic retinopathy), and other problems with retinal blood vessels. The pamphlet describes getting ready for a laser treatment, what will happen during treatment, and care after.
Light is reflected from objects and enters the pupil. It passes through the lens and vitreous (clear jelly-like fluid) onto your retina. Your retina changes light into a message. The optic nerve carries the message to your brain. When the brain receives the message, you have vision. Your retina is as thin as tissue paper. Change or damage to the retina can cause vision loss. This pamphlet explains how you can tell if your retina is damaged, what kinds of damage can happen to the retina, and typ…
La lumière est reflétée par des objets et pénètre par la pupille. Elle traverse la lentille et le corps vitré pour atteindre la rétine. Lorsque le cerveau reçoit ce message, la vision s’effectue. Un changement ou des dommages à la rétine peuvent entraîner une perte de vision. La présente publication explique comment savoir si votre rétine est endommagée, quels problèmes peuvent survenir sur la rétine, et quels types de traitements et d’opérations s’offrent à vous. ; This is a French translation…