This pamphlet gives directions for dialysis patients on warfarin who are having an interventional radiology procedure. The pamphlet explains what an interventional radiology procedure is. Space is provided to write the name and date of your procedure, as well as instructions to follow before and after your procedure. Instructions about what to do if you notice any bleeding or bruising in the area of your body where the procedure was done are included.
Cette brochure fournit des instructions précises aux patients qui prennent de la warfarine et qui sont traités pour au moins un des problèmes médicaux suivants : fibrillation auriculaire ou atriale (rythme cardiaque irrégulier), valvule prothétique (artificielle), thrombose veineuse (caillot de sang dans une veine profonde) ou embolie pulmonaire (artère du poumon bloquée par un caillot de sang), infarctus du myocarde (crise cardiaque) ou autre problème connexe. Des instructions sont également f…
Warfarin sodium is a type of medication called an oral (by mouth) anticoagulant. An anticoagulant makes your blood less likely to clot (thicken into a clump). This medication helps to prevent and treat abnormal blood clotting. This pamphlet explains what warfarin sodium is, why you may need it, how to take it, and what to do if you miss a dose. Information about INR blood tests, drug and food interactions, possible side effects, and safety precautions is included. Contact information for the An…