The abdomen is the area from the bottom of your rib cage to your pelvic (hip) bones. Abdominal pain can be caused by many things, including: indigestion, constipation (not being able to poop), gas, infection (either bacterial or viral), food poisoning, ulcers, appendicitis, gallbladder or liver disease, kidney stones, bladder infections, menstrual pain, and muscle spasms (muscle movements you cannot control). Most abdominal pain goes away without treatment. This pamphlet gives instructions for …
Ce dépliant explique le rôle que vous et votre famille jouez en matière de sécurité lors du séjour de votre enfant à l'hôpital. Des conseils sont fournis sur les sujets suivants : prévention de l'enlèvement d'enfants, prévention du risque de coincement, prévention du risque d'entortillement ou d'étranglement de votre enfant dans le matériel d'hôpital, prévention des chutes, infections, plaies de pression, sommeil, utilisation d'Internet, sécurité des médicaments, jeux sécuritaires et sécurité a…
A corneal ulcer is an open sore on your cornea (the clear, front part of your eye). Corneal ulcers are usually caused by an infection. They can also be caused by dry eye or other eye diseases. Corneal ulcers are diagnosed with an eye exam. Your ophthalmologist (eye doctor) may take swabs from your eye. This will help them decide which medication will work best if you have an infection. This pamphlet explains how a corneal ulcer is treated, and gives information on pain and follow-up. A list of …
A foot ulcer is an open sore that happens below the ankle. This pamphlet explains who is at risk for a diabetic foot ulcer, and how to know if you have diabetic neuropathy (a type of nerve damage that can happen if you have diabetes) or a diabetic foot ulcer. The French version of this pamphlet 1951, "Ulcère du pied diabétique", is also available.
This pamphlet provides important info for families of loved's ones that are staying in the Intensive Care Unit. Topics include: family spokesperson, visiting, infections, what to expect (lines, monitors, alarms, equipment, getting your loved one moving), delirium, pressure ulcers (bedsores), blood clots, transfers, family waiting room, when a loved one is ready to leave the ICU, and how to take care of yourself. An FAQ section is also given. A notes section for you to record your questions is a…
Un ulcère du pied est une plaie ouverte qui se situe sous la cheville. La présente brochure explique qui est à risque de développer un ulcère du pied diabétique et la façon de savoir si vous avez une neuropathie diabétique (type de lésion nerveuse qui peut survenir en cas de diabète) ou un ulcère du pied diabétique. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1904, “Diabetic Foot Ulcer”. A foot ulcer is an open sore that happens below the ankle. This pamphlet explains who is at risk …
The words ‘leg ulcer’ are used to describe a variety of open sores below the knee that are slow to heal. Many of these ulcers are caused by problems in the veins. This pamphlet explains what venous leg ulcers are, what causes them, what the symptoms are, how they are treated, and how you can prevent them from coming back.