Falls among older adults are a common problem. Up to half of residents in long-term care may fall each year. This pamphlet explains situations when most falls happen, what raises your risk of falling, and what staff in the Veterans' Memorial Building may ask you to do while living in this unit to prevent falls from happening.
This guide will help veterans and their families prepare for their move to their new home. Information includes what to bring, what will happen on the first day, residents' rights and responsibilities, safety, and general information about the facility. A phone directory is also provided.
As your family member goes through different stages of dementia, you may have questions and concerns. This pamphlet gives ways for you to support your family member. It explains the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and offers answers to many of the questions you may have about your loved one's care following admission to the Camp Hill Veterans' Memorial Building. The French version of this pamphlet 1856, "Soins aux personnes atteintes de démence - Édifice Camp Hill Veterans’…
This guide was prepared to help incoming residents of Camp Hill Veterans' Memorial Building and their families prepare for their move to their new home. A wide variety of useful information is provided, including what to bring, what will happen on the first day, residents' rights and responsibilities, and services provided by the facility.
La présente brochure vise à aider les familles à offrir du soutien à un être cher atteint de démence. Il explique la différence entre la démence et la maladie d’Alzheimer, et répond aux nombreuses questions que peuvent avoir les familles au sujet des soins de leur proche à la suite de l’admission à l’édifice Veterans' Memorial. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Dementia Care for Families: Camp Hill Veterans’ Memorial Building" pamphlet 1423. As your family member goes through differen…
The Geriatric Restorative Care Program helps people age 65 and over to become more independent, do their daily activities, and improve their quality of life after a hospital stay. Topics include: what to expect, how often you will have therapy, your team members, what to bring, how long you can expect to stay, how to get ready to go home, what to do if you need help at home, meals, leisure, infection control, additional precautions, smoking, extra services, and phone services. If you have quest…