This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0211. A colonoscopy is an exam of the large bowel (also known as the large intestine or colon). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look for any changes on the inside of your large bowel. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, what polyps are, care after the test, and possible complications. If you are given sedation, you must not do certain acti…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0040. A gastroscopy is an exam of the esophagus (throat), stomach, and duodenum (the first part of the small bowel). We have described getting ready for the test, how it is done, care after the test, and possible complications. If sedation is given, you must not do certain activities for 24 hours after the test.
This guide is for patients that are being admitted to the Victoria General Hospital for open thoracotomy pulmonary resection surgery for lung cancer treatment. Your surgeon will make a surgical cut between two ribs. The cut will go from the front of your chest wall to your back, passing just underneath your armpit. These ribs will be separated. Your lung on this side will be deflated so that air will not move in and out of it during surgery. Your surgeon may not know how much of your lung needs…
This guide is for patients that are being admitted to the Victoria General Hospital for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pulmonary resection for lung cancer treatment. Your surgeon will make several small surgical cuts over your chest wall. A videoscope (a tube with a tiny camera on the end) and other small tools will be passed through these cuts.Then, your surgeon may remove part or all of your lung, drain fluid or blood that has built up, or do other procedures. One or more tubes w…
When you are grieving, it helps to know what to expect. Although your grief is unique to your relationship with the person who died, there are some common themes. Our staff and volunteers, and bereaved people have identified 10 things as important in understanding your grief. The French version of this pamphlet 2102, "Dix choses à savoir au sujet du deuil", is also available.
La brochure porte sur la façon de protéger votre cathéter de dialyse péritonéale. On y traite des soins de l’incision (coupure) ou du point d'émergence cutané (point de sortie) après l’opération et du maintien de la régularité intestinale. On vous indique aussi quand appeler l’infirmière de l’Ordre de Victoria du Canada (VON) ou des soins à domicile. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Care of Your Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter" pamphlet 0352. This pamphlet reviews how to protect your pe…
Lorsque vous êtes en deuil, savoir à quoi vous attendre peut aider. Même si votre deuil est unique, comme la relation que vous aviez avec la personne décédée, certains aspects s’appliquent de façon générale. Nos employés, nos bénévoles et des personnes endeuillées ont cerné dix choses importantes pour comprendre votre deuil. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ten Things to Know About Grief" pamphlet 0975. When you are grieving, it helps to know what to expect. Although your grief is un…
The death of someone important to you brings many changes in your life. As you adjust and respond to these changes, you will face challenges. Please remember: you are not alone. This pamphlet includes practical suggestions about dealing with common challenges you may face when you are grieving. Topics include making decisions, financial affairs, personal effects, memories of recent events, certain rooms or places, changes in relationships, special dates and events, dreams and visitations, looki…
La mort d'un proche entraîne de nombreux changements dans votre vie. En vous adaptant et en réagissant à ces changements, vous serez confronté à des défis. Rappelez-vous que vous n’êtes pas seul. Ce dépliant contient des suggestions pratiques pour faire face aux difficultés courantes auxquelles vous pourriez faire face en période de deuil. Les sujets traités comprennent la prise de décisions, les affaires financières, les effets personnels, les souvenirs d'événements récents, certaines pièces o…
Un tensiomètre ambulatoire est un petit appareil électronique auquel est fixé un brassard de mesure de la tension artérielle. Ce dépliant explique comment utiliser un tensiomètre ambulatoire pendant 24 heures (1 journée). Il fournit également de l'information sur l'endroit où retourner le tensiomètre lorsque vous avez terminé. Des coordonnées sont fournies si vous avez des questions. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2073, "24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor…
This pamphlet is an Arabic translation of "24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring" pamphlet 2073. An ambulatory blood pressure monitor is a small electronic device with a blood pressure cuff attached to it. This pamphlet explains how to use an ambulatory blood pressure monitor for 24 hours (1 day). It also provides info on where to return the monitor when you are done. Contact information is provided if you have questions.
This guide will help you get ready to be admitted to the Victoria General Hospital, QEII Health Sciences Centre for esophageal surgery. This guide gives information on how to get ready for surgery, your hospital stay, and care at home after surgery. This guide includes a Clinical Pathway. A Clinical Pathway is a general guideline about your care. It will tell you what will happen each day before and after your surgery. Make sure to read this guide and bring it to the hospital with you on the da…
L’unité de médecine de jour du Victoria General offre plusieurs services : traitements intraveineux, traitements contre le cancer, prélèvements de cellules souches, biopsies, etc. Ce livret vous aidera à vous préparer à votre rendez-vous. Il passe en revue l’emplacement de l’unité de médecine de jour; ce qu’il faut faire pour vous préparer à votre rendez vous; ce qui se passe lors d’un rendez-vous; votre droit de vous faire accompagner par une personne de soutien; les ressources offertes par l’…
This pamphlet gives information about your care at home after minor oral surgery. Topics include discomfort, activity, mouth care, controlling bleeding and swelling, food, and stitches. Contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are included. The French version of this pamphlet 1727, "Après une chirurgie buccale mineure - Site du VG", is also available.
A facial bone fracture (break) must be treated to prevent future problems. Problems could include developing facial deformities, dental malocclusions (“bad bite”), jaw infection, or changes in facial growth. You will likely be admitted to a hospital room from the Emergency Department or from the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery, and at home. A discharge checklist and contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are incl…
Preprosthetic jaw surgery is done to change the upper or lower jaw ridges. This is done so dentures can be worn more comfortably or dental implants can be placed. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery. A discharge checklist and contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are included.
Corrective jaw surgery corrects jaw deformities. This is done to prevent damage to your jaw joints, teeth, and muscles. Corrective jaw surgery is also used to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This pamphlet explains what to expect on the day of your surgery, right after your surgery, and at home. Topics include prescriptions, oral (mouth) hygiene, eating guidelines, activity, lip and jaw exercises, elastics, nasal congestion, scissors, nosebleeds, infection, and vomiting. A discharge checkli…
This pamphlet gives information about parking for patients of the Cancer Care Program at the Victoria General (VG) site of the QEII in Halifax. Topics include whether there are special parking rates for cancer patients, and how much it costs to park in the VG site lots. Contact numbers for more information are included.
TTP stands for thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura. In TTP, the linings of your blood vessels are damaged. Platelets stick to the damaged areas to prevent or stop bleeding. This causes very small clots to form. These clots can block the blood flow in your body. These blockages can cause problems in the affected organs, usually the brain and kidneys. Causes, symptoms, treatment options, and ways to prevent injury or bleeding problems are listed.
Therapeutic means a treatment, therapy, or drug. Apheresis (a-fe-ree-sis) is the process of removing blood from your body, filtering (removing) something out of the blood, and putting the filtered blood back into your body. Information about common types of apheresis, how apheresis is done, how to get ready for treatment, what will happen at your appointment, and what will happen after the treatment is given. A list of symptoms to watch for after you go home are provided.