This sheet provides general skin care instructions for after a vulvar biopsy or vulvar excision.
Le feuillet fournit des instructions pour l’application d’un onguent stéroïde sur la vulve pour traiter votre maladie de peau. Un diagramme est présenté pour vous indiquer exactement où appliquer l’onguent. Des conseils et des directives sont fournis. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "How to Apply Your Steroid Ointment" pamphlet 1607. This 1-page sheet outlines instructions for applying steroid ointment to your vulva to treat your particular skin condition. A diagram is provided to sh…
You have been prescribed a steroid ointment. This medication helps to lower inflammation (redness, swelling, pain) caused by a skin condition on your vulva. This 1-page sheet explains how to apply (put) your steroid ointment on your vulva. A diagram shows exactly where to apply the ointment. Tips to remember are included. The French version of this pamphlet 2111, "Comment appliquer votre onguent stéroïde", is also available.
Lichen sclerosus is a life-long condition that creates patchy white areas of the skin. It may affect any part of the body, but it most often involves the skin of the vulva (opening to the vagina) and around the anus. This pamphlet explains the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care, and contact information for the Colposcopy Clinic.
The vulva (area around the vagina) can be very sensitive. This pamphlet gives ideas to help with symptoms and prevent discomfort from itching or irritation.