This guide will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery for an adenoidectomy. Topics include getting ready for surgery, what will happen on the day of surgery, what will happen right after surgery, and care at home. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after your surgery, activity, and bleeding are also covered. The French version of this pamphlet 2176, "Adénoïdectomie - Hôpital régional Valley," is also available.
Ce guide vous apprendra comment prendre soin de vous en toute sécurité avant et après une adénoïdectomie, qui est une chirurgie d’un jour. Il parle de la préparation à l’opération, du déroulement de la journée, de ce qui se passe tout de suite après l’opération et des soins nécessaires à la maison. Il renseigne aussi sur les choses à éviter au cours des 2 premières semaines, sur la reprise des activités et sur les saignements. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2070…
Ce guide vous apprendra comment prendre soin de vous en toute sécurité avant et après une amygdalectomie (aussi appelée tonsillectomie) ou une adénoïdectomie, des chirurgies d’un jour. On y traite notamment de la préparation à l’opération, du déroulement de la journée, de ce qui se passe tout de suite après l’opération et des soins nécessaires à la maison. Vous y trouverez aussi des renseignements sur les choses à éviter au cours des deux premières semaines, sur la reprise des activités et sur …
Ce guide vous apprendra comment prendre soin de vous en toute sécurité avant et après une amygdalectomie (aussi appelée tonsillectomie) ou une adénoïdectomie, qui sont des chirurgies d’un jour. Il parle de la préparation à l’opération, du déroulement de la journée, de ce qui se passe tout de suite après l’opération et des soins nécessaires à la maison. Il renseigne aussi sur les choses à éviter au cours des 2 premières semaines, sur la reprise des activités et sur les saignements. ; This pamphl…
People with bipolar disorder have periods when their mood is very high or very low. These episodes may last for several days, weeks, or months. In between these episodes, the person’s mood may be normal. The period of very high mood and other symptoms is called mania. The period of very low mood and other symptoms is called depression. This pamphlet explains what causes bipolar disorder, what the symptoms of mania and depression are, how bipolar disorder is treated, and where you can get help.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is caused by an impact or forceful motion of your head or body that causes your brain to move inside your skull. This movement can injure your brain. Topics include: how long symptoms last, symptoms to watch for, what to expect the first few weeks, what can help with symptoms, an in-depth list of common symptoms and how to deal with them, an FAQ section, and things to remember. Information on concussion education sessions is provided. The Frenc…
This pamphlet provides guidelines for 4 weeks after your surgery or dilation. These guidelines include soft, moist (wet) foods and fluids that are easy to swallow. If you have an esophageal stent, you will need to follow these guidelines as long as your stent is in place. This pamphlet explains eating guidelines, a puree diet, an esophageal soft diet (best choices and foods to avoid), and recipes for high-protein, high-calorie drinks.
This pamphlet gives information on common issues, like sleep troubles and intrusive thoughts (strange thoughts or mental images that seem to pop into your head and cause stress), anxiety and mood disorders, and postpartum psychosis (rare). Topics include what to do if you had a mental disorder before you became pregnant, what Baby Blues are and how to get ready for them, and what to do if you still feel overwhelmed, irritable, stressed, or sad after 2 to 4 weeks. Information on how to get help …
L'opération ouvre une nouvelle voie pour que les larmes puissent s'écouler directement dans votre nez. Un tube en plastique peut être mis en place pendant l'opération et retiré six semaines à 12 mois plus tard, selon votre chirurgien ophtalmologiste. La brochure fournit une brève description de la préparation pour l’opération, du déroulement de l’intervention et des soins qui suivent. On y traite aussi des symptômes qui exigent des soins médicaux. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Rep…
This pamphlet provides guidelines for the first 4 weeks (1 month) after bowel surgery. They will help with your healing, comfort, and bowel function. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed.
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after colostomy surgery. A list of best food choices and those to avoid in the first 4 weeks is provided. Foods to choose and avoid if you have diarrhea, gas, or constipation are listed. Information about going back to a regular diet is included.
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after surgery. Tips to control gas, bloating, and diarrhea are given. Good food choices after surgery are listed as well as a list of foods to stay away from for at least 4 weeks after surgery.
This pamphlet explains what to expect when you come to the end of your radiation treatments. Topics include when your side effects will go away, how you should expect to feel over the coming weeks, and if you will need to make changes to your lifestyle. Questions you may want to ask your Health Care Team are included.
Une commotion cérébrale est une lésion cérébrale traumatique (LCT). Le présent guide contient de l'information sur la durée des symptômes, sur les symptômes à surveiller et sur ce à quoi s'attendre au cours des premières semaines. Une liste détaillée des symptômes courants et des moyens d'y remédier, ainsi qu'une foire aux questions (FAQ) sont également incluses. The English version of this pamphlet 0395, "Concussion Recovery", is also available. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Conc…
Recovering from COVID-19 is different for everyone. It does not matter how old you are or how healthy you were before you got COVID-19. Some people feel better in a few weeks. For others, it may take months. This guide gives important information about recovering from COVID-19. Topics include what to do if you have shortness of breath (feeling out of breath), when you can start exercising, how you can go back to doing your day-to-day activities safely, how you can manage your energy, and what t…
This guide will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery for a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. Topics include getting ready for surgery, what will happen on the day of surgery, what will happen right after surgery, and care at home. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after your surgery, activity, and bleeding are also covered. The French version of this pamphlet 2099, "Amygdalectomie et adénoïdectomie", is also available.
This guide will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery for a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. Topics include getting ready for surgery, what will happen on the day of surgery, what will happen right after surgery, and care at home. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after your surgery, activity, and bleeding are also covered. The French version of this pamphlet 2177, "Amygdalectomie et adénoïdectomie - Hôpital régional Valley," is also available.
This pamphlet gives information about vaginal dilation for people receiving 6 weeks of pelvic radiation treatment and getting chemotherapy during the first and fifth week of radiation. Information about when to start dilating is given. A link to a teaching video is provided. Contact information for further questions is included.
During Whipple surgery, parts of the stomach, small bowel, gallbladder, and pancreas are removed. These organs are important for digesting food. After surgery you may need to make some changes to your eating habits. Following the tips in this guide can help you get the nutrition you need to heal, feel comfortable during the first 4 weeks (1 month) after surgery, and keep or gain weight after surgery. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed. Other topics include whether you w…