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13-week DBT skills training treatment group
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. Community Mental Health and Addictions Service. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group is a skills training group. This group is for people who have a hard time controlling and expressing their emotions effectively. Topics include: how to join the group, when and where the group is held, expectations, and topics covered during sessions.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. Community Mental Health and Addictions Service
Alternate Title
13-week dialectical behaviour therapy skills training treatment group
13-week dialectical behavior therapy skills training treatment group
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([2] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Psychotherapy, Group
Cognitive Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Subjects (LCSH)
Group psychotherapy
Cognitive therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group is a skills training group. This group is for people who have a hard time controlling and expressing their emotions effectively. Topics include: how to join the group, when and where the group is held, expectations, and topics covered during sessions.
Community Mental Health and Addictions Service
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Analgésie épidurale après une opération
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Acute Pain Service. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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L’analgésie épidurale est une façon de vous administrer un médicament antidouleur après une opération. Elle peut vous procurer un meilleur soulagement que d'autres moyens de recevoir des médicaments antidouleur. Vous pouvez être plus alerte avec une analgésie épidurale qu'avec d'autres méthodes de maîtrise de la douleur. Elle peut également vous aider à recommencer à bouger après votre opération. La brochure traite des effets secondaires possibles d'une analgésie épidurale, de la douleur à laqu…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Acute Pain Service
Alternate Title
Having an epidural after surgery
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([2] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Analgesia, Epidural
Pain Management
Subjects (LCSH)
Peridural anesthesia
Pain Management
L’analgésie épidurale est une façon de vous administrer un médicament antidouleur après une opération. Elle peut vous procurer un meilleur soulagement que d'autres moyens de recevoir des médicaments antidouleur. Vous pouvez être plus alerte avec une analgésie épidurale qu'avec d'autres méthodes de maîtrise de la douleur. Elle peut également vous aider à recommencer à bouger après votre opération. La brochure traite des effets secondaires possibles d'une analgésie épidurale, de la douleur à laquelle s'attendre, de l’équipe responsable de soulager votre douleur et de la durée d’utilisation de l'anesthésie épidurale.
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Having an Epidural after Surgery" pamphlet 1378. An epidural is a way to give you pain medicine after surgery. It may give you better pain relief than other ways of receiving pain medicine. You may be more alert with an epidural than with other pain control methods. It can also help you move better after your surgery. This pamphlet explains the possible side effects of an epidural, what to expect for pain when you have an epidural, who will look after your epidural pain relief, and how long you will have the epidural.
Prepared by: Acute Pain Service
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Anesthésie par bloc nerveux pour supprimer la douleur pendant l’opération
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Acute Pain Service. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Un bloc nerveux permet d’envoyer un anesthésique local (médicament servant à insensibiliser) au moyen d’une petite aiguille à un endroit près de vos nerfs. Vous trouverez les renseignements suivants dans ce guide : pourquoi et quand utilise-t-on un bloc nerveux, comment fait-on un bloc nerveux, dans quelle mesure fonctionne-t-il et aide-t-il après l’opération, quels sont les effets secondaires, combien de temps faut-il pour le faire, pourquoi le patient demeure éveillé pendant l’opération, quel…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Acute Pain Service
Alternate Title
Managing your surgical pain with nerve blocks
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Nerve Block
Pain Management
Subjects (LCSH)
Nerve block
Pain Management
Un bloc nerveux permet d’envoyer un anesthésique local (médicament servant à insensibiliser) au moyen d’une petite aiguille à un endroit près de vos nerfs. Vous trouverez les renseignements suivants dans ce guide : pourquoi et quand utilise-t-on un bloc nerveux, comment fait-on un bloc nerveux, dans quelle mesure fonctionne-t-il et aide-t-il après l’opération, quels sont les effets secondaires, combien de temps faut-il pour le faire, pourquoi le patient demeure éveillé pendant l’opération, quelles activités doivent être évitées après le bloc et quels symptômes exigent des soins médicaux immédiats.
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Managing Your Surgical Pain with Nerve Blocks" pamphlet 1377. A nerve block sends local anesthetic (numbing medicine) through a small needle to a spot near your nerves. In this guide, you will learn about: why nerve blocks are used, when they are given, how they are done, how well they work, how they will help you after surgery, side effects, how long it will take, why you will be awake while it is given, activities to avoid after, and symptoms that require immediate medical attention.
Prepared by: Acute Pain Service
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Anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Vascular Surgery. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Un anévrisme est un vaisseau sanguin dans une artère qui est plus gros que la normale. Quand il se trouve dans l’artère principale de l’abdomen, on parle d’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale. Cette brochure explique pourquoi un anévrisme se forme, qui sont les personnes à risque, ce qu’il peut entraîner et la façon dont il est diagnostiqué et traité. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0591, “Abdominal Aneurysm”. An aneurysm is a blood vessel in an artery that is bigger than nor…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Vascular Surgery
Alternate Title
Abdominal aneurysm
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal
Cardiovascular diseases
Subjects (LCSH)
Abdominal aneurysm
Abdominal aorta
Cardiovascular System
Un anévrisme est un vaisseau sanguin dans une artère qui est plus gros que la normale. Quand il se trouve dans l’artère principale de l’abdomen, on parle d’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale. Cette brochure explique pourquoi un anévrisme se forme, qui sont les personnes à risque, ce qu’il peut entraîner et la façon dont il est diagnostiqué et traité.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0591, “Abdominal Aneurysm”. An aneurysm is a blood vessel in an artery that is bigger than normal. When it is located in the main artery of the abdomen, it is called an abdominal aneurysm. This pamphlet explains why an aneurysm happens, who is at risk, what it can do to you, and how an aneurysm is diagnosed and treated.
Prepared by: Vascular Surgery, QEII
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Avant et après une chirurgie d’un jour
Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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Cette brochure offre des renseignements sur les soins avant et après une chirurgie d’un jour. On y traite notamment de la nécessité d’arriver tôt, de ce qu’il faut apporter et de l'anesthésie. La brochure traite aussi de l'hygiène, des médicaments, du tabagisme, des prothèses dentaires, des lunettes, des verres de contact, des appareils auditifs, des objets de valeur et des bijoux. On y traite de ce qui se passe à la salle préopératoire, à la salle d’opération, à la salle de réveil et à la sal…
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Alternate Title
Before and after day surgery
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (13 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Ambulatory Surgical Procedures
Preoperative Care
Postoperative Care
Subjects (LCSH)
Ambulatory surgery
Preoperative care
Postoperative care
Cette brochure offre des renseignements sur les soins avant et après une chirurgie d’un jour. On y traite notamment de la nécessité d’arriver tôt, de ce qu’il faut apporter et de l'anesthésie. La brochure traite aussi de l'hygiène, des médicaments, du tabagisme, des prothèses dentaires, des lunettes, des verres de contact, des appareils auditifs, des objets de valeur et des bijoux. On y traite de ce qui se passe à la salle préopératoire, à la salle d’opération, à la salle de réveil et à la salle postopératoire, ainsi que du retour à la maison.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0672, "Before and After Day Surgery". This pamphlet provides information about your care before and after a day surgery procedure. Topics about preparing include: arriving early, what to bring, and the anesthetic. The pamphlet also describes what to do about hygiene, medications, smoking, dentures, glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, valuables, and jewelry. What will happen in the pre-operative room, operating room, recovery area, post-recovery area, and when you go home are described.
Prepared by: HI, VG & DGH site staff
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Changeways treatment group
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Community Mental Health and Addictions Service. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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The Changeways group is for people with depression or low mood as their main concern. The group teaches skills in problem-solving and managing your lifestyle to help with your mood. Topics include: when and where the group meets, what you need to bring, who will be there, sharing with the group, and how the group will help you.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Community Mental Health and Addictions Service
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([2] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Cognitive Therapy
Psychotherapy, Group
Subjects (LCSH)
Depression, Mental
Group psychotherapy
Cognitive therapy
The Changeways group is for people with depression or low mood as their main concern. The group teaches skills in problem-solving and managing your lifestyle to help with your mood. Topics include: when and where the group meets, what you need to bring, who will be there, sharing with the group, and how the group will help you.
Prepared by: Community Mental Health and Addictions Service
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Combination Therapy
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program. [Halifax, NS]: Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program , 2018.
Pamphlet Number
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Combination therapy is when more than one cancer treatment is used. This pamphlet lists the different types of treatments and introduces why each one may be used with direction to more information. It lists suggested questions to ask your health care team.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program
Place of Publication
[Halifax, NS]
Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Combined Modality Therapy
Neoplasms - therapy
Subjects (LCSH)
Combined modality therapy
Medical Oncology
Combination therapy is when more than one cancer treatment is used. This pamphlet lists the different types of treatments and introduces why each one may be used with direction to more information. It lists suggested questions to ask your health care team.
Patient & family guide
prepared by Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
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Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Constipation is when you don’t have bowel movements (poops) very often, or they are hard to pass. We also call this “being constipated.” This pamphlet explains common causes of constipation and lists things you can do to help. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2080, "Constipation", is also available.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Constipation - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
Constipation is when you don’t have bowel movements (poops) very often, or they are hard to pass. We also call this “being constipated.” This pamphlet explains common causes of constipation and lists things you can do to help. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2080, "Constipation", is also available.
Prepared by: Emergency Services
Pamphlet Number
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Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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On parle de constipation lorsque vous n’allez pas à la selle (vous ne faites pas caca) très souvent ou lorsqu’il est difficile d’évacuer les selles. On dit aussi « être constipé ». Cette brochure explique les causes courantes de la constipation et énumère les choses que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer la situation. Les symptômes qui exigent des soins médicaux immédiats sont aussi précisés. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0692, “Constipation”. Constipation is when you don…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Constipation - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
On parle de constipation lorsque vous n’allez pas à la selle (vous ne faites pas caca) très souvent ou lorsqu’il est difficile d’évacuer les selles. On dit aussi « être constipé ». Cette brochure explique les causes courantes de la constipation et énumère les choses que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer la situation. Les symptômes qui exigent des soins médicaux immédiats sont aussi précisés.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0692, “Constipation”. Constipation is when you don’t have bowel movements (poops) very often, or they are hard to pass. We also call this “being constipated.” This pamphlet explains common causes of constipation and lists things you can do to help. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention are provided.
Prepared by: Emergency Services
Pamphlet Number
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Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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Depo-Provera est un produit hormonal injectable similaire à la progestérone naturelle produite par les ovaires tous les mois. Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment Depo-Provera travaille, quelle est son efficacité, comment se le procurer, quand il commence à agir, quels sont les avantages et les désavantages de prendre Depo-Provera, quelles sont les personnes qui ne devraient pas prendre ce produit hormonal et quelles sont les choses à ne pas oublier quand vous le pren…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
Contraception - methods
Subjects (LCSH)
Depo-Provera est un produit hormonal injectable similaire à la progestérone naturelle produite par les ovaires tous les mois. Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment Depo-Provera travaille, quelle est son efficacité, comment se le procurer, quand il commence à agir, quels sont les avantages et les désavantages de prendre Depo-Provera, quelles sont les personnes qui ne devraient pas prendre ce produit hormonal et quelles sont les choses à ne pas oublier quand vous le prenez Depo-Provera ne vous protège pas contre les infections transmissibles sexuellement. D’autres ressources sont mentionnées au cas où vous auriez des questions.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0112, "Depo-Provera". Depo-Provera is an injectable (given by needle) form of hormones similar to the natural progesterone made by your ovaries each month. It is used to prevent pregnancy. This pamphlet explains how Depo-Provera works, how well it works, how to get it, when it starts working, pros and cons, who should not take it, and certain things to remember when taking it. Depo-Provera will not protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A list of resources is provided if you have any questions.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
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Discharge instructions for patients with diagnosed sleep apnea
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Dartmouth General Hospital. Department of Anesthesia. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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This 1 page instructional handout was developed to assist patients with diagnosed sleep apnea when they are discharged following surgery.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Dartmouth General Hospital. Department of Anesthesia
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([1] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Sleep Apnea Syndromes - prevention & control
Sleep Apnea Syndromes - surgery
Subjects (LCSH)
Sleep apnea syndromes--Treatment
Sleep apnea syndromes--Surgery
This 1 page instructional handout was developed to assist patients with diagnosed sleep apnea when they are discharged following surgery.
Prepared by: Department of Surgery, DGH ; updated by: Department of Anesthesia, DGH
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Dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (avec lévonorgestrel)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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Un dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (DIU avec lévonorgestrel) est un petit dispositif composé d’une matière plastique souple et d’une hormone appelée lévonorgestrel, qui est inséré dans l’utérus par un fournisseur de soins de santé primaires (médecin de famille ou infirmière praticienne). Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment fonctionne le DIU avec lévonorgestrel, quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients et ce qui se passe quand il est inséré dans l’utérus, de mêm…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Alternate Title
Hormonal (levonorgestrel) intrauterine devices (IUDs)
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (9 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Intrauterine Devices
Contraception - methods
Subjects (LCSH)
Intrauterine contraceptives
Un dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (DIU avec lévonorgestrel) est un petit dispositif composé d’une matière plastique souple et d’une hormone appelée lévonorgestrel, qui est inséré dans l’utérus par un fournisseur de soins de santé primaires (médecin de famille ou infirmière praticienne). Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment fonctionne le DIU avec lévonorgestrel, quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients et ce qui se passe quand il est inséré dans l’utérus, de même que le déplacement, la perte et le retrait du DIU avec lévonorgestrel. Le dépliant liste aussi les symptômes qui requièrent immédiatement des soins médicaux.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2006, "Hormonal (levonorgestrel) Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)". A hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) is a small device made of flexible plastic with a hormone called levonorgestrel that is placed inside the uterus by a primary health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner). It is used to prevent pregnancy. This pamphlet explains how a hormonal IUD works, the pros and cons of a hormonal IUD, what will happen when the IUD is inserted, movement or loss of the IUD, and IUD removal. A list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention is also provided.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Pamphlet Number
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Dispositif intra-utérin en cuivre (DIU)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Un dispositif intra-utérin en cuivre (DIU) est un petit dispositif composé de cuivre et d’une matière plastique souple qui est inséré dans l’utérus par un fournisseur de soins de santé primaires (médecin de famille ou infirmière praticienne). Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment fonctionne le DIU en cuivre, quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients et ce qui se passe quand il est inséré dans l’utérus, de même que le déplacement, la perte et le retrait du DIU. Le …
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Alternate Title
Copper intrauterine devices (IUDs)
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (8 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Intrauterine Devices
Contraception - methods
Subjects (LCSH)
Intrauterine contraceptives
Un dispositif intra-utérin en cuivre (DIU) est un petit dispositif composé de cuivre et d’une matière plastique souple qui est inséré dans l’utérus par un fournisseur de soins de santé primaires (médecin de famille ou infirmière praticienne). Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment fonctionne le DIU en cuivre, quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients et ce qui se passe quand il est inséré dans l’utérus, de même que le déplacement, la perte et le retrait du DIU. Le dépliant liste aussi les symptômes qui requièrent immédiatement des soins médicaux.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0014, "Copper Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)". A copper intrauterine device (IUD) is a small device made of flexible plastic with copper that is placed inside the uterus by a primary health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner). It is used to prevent pregnancy. This pamphlet explains how a copper IUD works, the pros and cons of a copper IUD, what will happen when the IUD is inserted, movement or loss of the IUD, and IUD removal. A list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention is also provided.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Pamphlet Number
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Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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When tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside of the uterus, it is called endometriosis. The cause of endometriosis is not known. This pamphlet lists the symptoms of endometriosis and explains how it is diagnosed and treated. A list of resources is also provided.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Emergency Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([4] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Subjects (LCSH)
When tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside of the uterus, it is called endometriosis. The cause of endometriosis is not known. This pamphlet lists the symptoms of endometriosis and explains how it is diagnosed and treated. A list of resources is also provided.
Prepared by: Emergency Services
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Grossesse ectopique (extra-utérine) possible : Clinique « Women’s Choice » de la Nouvelle-Écosse (NSWCC)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Une grossesse ectopique se produit quand un ovule fécondé s’implante à l’extérieur de l’utérus, le plus souvent dans les trompes de Fallope. Au fur et à mesure que l’ovule fécondé grossit, il étire la trompe de Fallope jusqu’à une rupture éventuelle. La présente ressource explique la fréquence des grossesses ectopiques, les raisons de faire des analyses sanguines pour vérifier s’il y a une grossesse ectopique, les symptômes à surveiller dans l’attente des résultats des analyses et la façon dont…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
Alternate Title
Possible ectopic (tubal) pregnancy : Nova Scotia Women’s Choice Clinic (NSWCC)
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([4] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Pregnancy, Ectopic
Subjects (LCSH)
Tubal pregnancy
Une grossesse ectopique se produit quand un ovule fécondé s’implante à l’extérieur de l’utérus, le plus souvent dans les trompes de Fallope. Au fur et à mesure que l’ovule fécondé grossit, il étire la trompe de Fallope jusqu’à une rupture éventuelle. La présente ressource explique la fréquence des grossesses ectopiques, les raisons de faire des analyses sanguines pour vérifier s’il y a une grossesse ectopique, les symptômes à surveiller dans l’attente des résultats des analyses et la façon dont les résultats sont transmis. Un numéro de téléphone est fourni si vous avez des questions.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1600, “Possible Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy: Nova Scotia Women’s Choice Clinic (NSWCC)”. An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube. As the fertilized egg grows, it stretches the fallopian tube until it could eventually rupture (break open). This pamphlet explains the frequency of ectopic pregnancies, the reasons for testing for an ectopic pregnancy, symptoms to watch for when waiting for blood test results, and how your test results will be delivered. A contact number is provided if you have any questions.
Previous title: Possible Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy (TPU)
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Women's Choice Clinic
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Hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and repair of vagina (anterior and posterior) : discharge instructions
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Valley Regional Hospital. Women's and Children's Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. An oophorectomy is the removal of one or both ovaries. A vaginal repair can be done for the front (anterior) or the back (posterior) vaginal wall muscles. An anterior repair of the vagina is surgery to correct a cystocele. A cystocele is a bulge in the bladder through the vaginal wall. A posterior repair of the vagina is surgery to correct a rectocele. A rectocele is a bulge through a weak place in the vaginal wall muscles. Topics in this pamphlet in…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Valley Regional Hospital. Women's and Children's Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Cystocele - surgery
Rectocele - surgery
Subjects (LCSH)
A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. An oophorectomy is the removal of one or both ovaries. A vaginal repair can be done for the front (anterior) or the back (posterior) vaginal wall muscles. An anterior repair of the vagina is surgery to correct a cystocele. A cystocele is a bulge in the bladder through the vaginal wall. A posterior repair of the vagina is surgery to correct a rectocele. A rectocele is a bulge through a weak place in the vaginal wall muscles. Topics in this pamphlet include rest and activity, medications, and vaginal flow. Symptoms that need medical attention are listed. Information about when to expect a followup appointment is given.
Prepared by: Women’s and Children’s Services, Valley Regional Hospital
Pamphlet Number
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LEEP : loop electrosurgical excision procedure
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Colposcopy Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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LEEP is used to treat abnormal cells on your cervix (lower part of the uterus). A special wire called a “loop” is used to send a small electrical current to the area and remove the abnormal cells. This pamphlet explains how LEEP is done, how long the treatment lasts, how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect after, if you need followup care, what risks may be involved, and when you should call the Clinic. Contact information is provided.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Colposcopy Clinic
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Uterine Cervical Dysplasia
Precancerous Conditions--prevention and control
Subjects (LCSH)
Cervix uteri--Cancer--Prevention
LEEP is used to treat abnormal cells on your cervix (lower part of the uterus). A special wire called a “loop” is used to send a small electrical current to the area and remove the abnormal cells. This pamphlet explains how LEEP is done, how long the treatment lasts, how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect after, if you need followup care, what risks may be involved, and when you should call the Clinic. Contact information is provided.
Prepared by: Colposcopy Clinic
Pamphlet Number
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Mouth Care During Cancer Treatment
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program. [Halifax, NS]: Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program , 2018.
Pamphlet Number
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Depending on the type and place of cancer treatment, the mouth can be affected. This pamphlet details who is at risk for mouth problems, the symptoms, when to see your dentist and how to keep your mouth healthy. Includes care for dentures and information on foods to try and which to avoid.
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program
Place of Publication
[Halifax, NS]
Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (8 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Neoplasms - complications
Oral Health
Self Care
Subjects (LCSH)
Mouth--Care and hygiene
Self-care, Health
Self Care
Depending on the type and place of cancer treatment, the mouth can be affected. This pamphlet details who is at risk for mouth problems, the symptoms, when to see your dentist and how to keep your mouth healthy. Includes care for dentures and information on foods to try and which to avoid.
Patient & family guide
prepared by Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
Pamphlet Number
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Neutropenia (Low White Blood Count)
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program. [Halifax, NS]: Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program , 2018.
Pamphlet Number
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Neutropenia (low white blood count) happens when you do not have enough neutrophils. This pamphlet lists the causes, signs and symptoms of neutropenia, and what to do if you do have a fever or other signs of infection.
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program
Place of Publication
[Halifax, NS]
Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Antineoplastic Agents - adverse effects
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
Hematologic Diseases
Self Care
Subjects (LCSH)
Antineoplastic agents--Side effects
Blood cells--Diseases
Self-care, Health
Neutropenia (low white blood count) happens when you do not have enough neutrophils. This pamphlet lists the causes, signs and symptoms of neutropenia, and what to do if you do have a fever or other signs of infection.
Patient & family guide
prepared by Nova Scotia Cancer Care Program
Pamphlet Number
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Opération de la cataracte
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
Pamphlet Number
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La cataracte est une diminution de la transparence (opacification) du cristallin, dans l’œil. Le chirurgien effectue une petite incision (coupure) à l’avant de votre œil. La cataracte est retirée et une nouvelle lentille en plastique est placée dans votre œil, derrière la pupille. Cette brochure décrit ce qui se passe le jour de l’opération, fournit des instructions à suivre après le congé et énumère les choses à faire à la maison (y compris la façon d’utiliser les gouttes ophtalmiques). Elle f…
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre
Alternate Title
Cataract surgery
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Cataract Extraction
Subjects (LCSH)
La cataracte est une diminution de la transparence (opacification) du cristallin, dans l’œil. Le chirurgien effectue une petite incision (coupure) à l’avant de votre œil. La cataracte est retirée et une nouvelle lentille en plastique est placée dans votre œil, derrière la pupille. Cette brochure décrit ce qui se passe le jour de l’opération, fournit des instructions à suivre après le congé et énumère les choses à faire à la maison (y compris la façon d’utiliser les gouttes ophtalmiques). Elle fournit aussi une liste des complications possibles à surveiller.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0135 “Cataract Surgery". A cataract is a clouding of the lens of your eye. The surgeon will make a small incision (cut) in the front of your eye. The cataract will be removed and a new plastic lens will be placed in your eye behind your pupil. The pamphlet describes what happens the day of surgery, gives discharge instructions, and lists what to do when you get home (including how to use eye drops). A list of possible complications to watch out for is given.
Prepared by: Ophthalmology & Same Day Surgery Staff, Halifax, QEII
Pamphlet Number
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