The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group is a skills training group. This group is for people who have a hard time controlling and expressing their emotions effectively. Topics include: how to join the group, when and where the group is held, expectations, and topics covered during sessions.
Opioid medications are analgesics (painkillers), commonly known as narcotics. They are used to manage severe pain. This pamphlet explains when to take them, what to do if you miss a dose, special precautions, common side effects, and a list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention. Common concerns about tolerance, dependence, and addiction are explained. Instructions for storing opioids are given.
Incision care, pain management, how to position your bed after surgery, and instructions for activity and diet are listed. A list of symptoms that need the attention of your surgeon, a list of important phone numbers, and information about your post-operative appointment are also provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2184, "Après votre opération de la thyroïde à l’hôpital général de Dartmouth", is also available.
Falls among older adults are a common problem. Up to half of residents in long-term care may fall each year. This pamphlet explains situations when most falls happen, what raises your risk of falling, and what staff in the Veterans' Memorial Building may ask you to do while living in this unit to prevent falls from happening.
This pamphlet provides blood collection tips for parents. Images of back-to-chest and chest-to-chest comfort hold techniques are included. Please note that some Nova Scotia Health Authority blood collection sites are not able to collect blood from patients under 12 years old. Visit for more info. The French version of this pamphlet 2149, "Conseils aux parents pour les prises de sang : Pathologie et médecine de laboratoire", is also available.
Cirrhosis is a type of liver disease. Over time, it scars the liver. Varices are blood vessels that have expanded (gotten bigger). Varices usually happen in the esophagus and stomach. The esophagus is the swallowing tube that connects your mouth and stomach. Esophageal varices are a common problem in advanced cirrhosis.This pamphlet explains how varices are diagnosed, how to get ready for the test, what will happen during and after the test, how the test is done, and possible complications of t…
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. This means that once you have HIV, you will have it for life. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) happens when HIV destroys your immune system, leading to serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. An HIV test only checks for HIV. It does not test for AIDS. This pamphlet explains how HIV is spread, the pros and cons of being tested for HIV, how an HIV test is done, and w…
This pamphlet provides space for you to record important health information related to your diabetes. You should bring this record with you each time you visit your primary health care provider or the Diabetes Management Centre. Things you can do to best manage your diabetes are listed. Contact information is also provided.
Ce dépliant donne des conseils aux parents pour les prises de sang. Il contient des images des techniques de maintien réconfortantes « dos contre poitrine » et « poitrine contre poitrine ». Veuillez noter que certains sites de prélèvements sanguins de la Régie de la santé de la Nouvelle-Écosse ne sont pas en mesure de prélever du sang sur des patients de moins de 12 ans. Rendez-vous à pour plus d’information. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Blood Col…
VIH signifie virus de l’immunodéficience humaine. Contrairement à d’autres virus, le corps ne peut pas se débarrasser du VIH. Le SIDA (syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise) survient lorsque le VIH détruit le système immunitaire, ce qui entraîne des infections et des cancers graves et potentiellement mortels. Le test de dépistage détecte uniquement le VIH, pas le SIDA. Ce dépliant explique ce qui suit : mode de propagation du VIH, avantages et inconvénients du test de dépistage, procédure du test…
Ce dépliant traite des soins de l'incision, de la gestion de la douleur, du positionnement dans le lit après l'opération et des instructions relatives à l'activité et à l'alimentation. On y trouve aussi une liste des symptômes qui nécessitent l'attention de votre chirurgien, une liste des numéros de téléphone importants et de l'information sur votre rendez-vous postopératoire. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "After Your Thyroid Surgery: Dartmouth General Hospital" pamphlet 1628. Inci…
Dans le cadre de vos soins, vous pouvez bénéficier du soutien et des services offerts par les soins continus de Santé Nouvelle-Écosse ou par des fournisseurs de services contractuels. Il est important que vous disposiez de l'information nécessaire pour prendre des décisions éclairées lorsque vous recevez des services de soins continus. Ce dépliant explique ce à quoi vous attendre en matière de qualité des soins, de dignité et de respect, de plan de soins, de décisions relatives aux services, de…
The exercises in this guide will help you improve the range of motion (ROM) and strength in your neck and shoulder muscles after your neck surgery. Illustrations showing how to do each exercise are included.
This pamphlet is a breast reconstruction guidebook. Your health care team will fill out the pamphlet with your appointments and breast cancer summary. They will also write summaries of the initial, secondary, and nipple/areola breast reconstructions. The pamphlet explains how to care for the drainage tube, how to empty the drain, and when the drains will be removed. Post-mastectomy and post-breast reconstruction draining schedule charts are included. The pamphlet describes signs of infection or…
This patient education sheet gives instructions for what to expect when your health care provider has given you a form (called a ‘requisition’) for lab tests that must be repeated (for example, once a week, once every 3 months). Tests ordered this way are called ‘standing orders’.
La rétinopathie diabétique a lieu lorsque des changements se produisent au niveau des vaisseaux sanguins situés près de la rétine et entraînent une fuite ou un saignement. L’œdème maculaire diabétique est un gonflement de la macula (très petite zone centrale de la rétine, qui donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour lire, regarder la télévision et voir les visages) qui peut être causé par le diabète, survenir après une opération aux yeux ou se produire sans raison connue (idiopathique). Le prés…
Recovering from COVID-19 is different for everyone. It does not matter how old you are or how healthy you were before you got COVID-19. Some people feel better in a few weeks. For others, it may take months. This guide gives important information about recovering from COVID-19. Topics include what to do if you have shortness of breath (feeling out of breath), when you can start exercising, how you can go back to doing your day-to-day activities safely, how you can manage your energy, and what t…
Step-by-step instructions are given for collecting your semen. The pamphlet also answers common questions you may have about collecting your semen. The location for sample drop-offs is provided.
This double-sided sheet allows you to write down the ostomy supplies that have been ordered for you after you have received ostomy care. Details about follow-up appointments and when to call the NSWOC (Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence) Clinic are listed. Contact information for nurses specialized in wound, ostomy, and continence in the Atlantic region is included.
Esophagitis is inflammation or irritation of the esophagus (the tube through which food passes when we swallow). It is a side effect that you may experience if your radiation therapy treatments are given to the throat, chest, or breast. You may experience heartburn or a “lump” in your esophagus, the feeling that food is stuck in your esophagus, pain, or difficulty swallowing certain foods. This pamphlet gives tips that may help your esophagitis, information about the Esophageal Soft Diet, and h…